Historically, riprap, retaining walls, and other hardened structures have been the dominant means by which erosion has been controlled along the shorelands of our lakes, rivers, and ocean waters. Although effective and necessary in some cases, these structures can have unintended consequences such as intensifying erosion next to the structure, degrading habitat for plants and Read More
Clean & Free-flowing Waters
Thanks largely to the Clean Water Act, Maine’s great rivers are much cleaner than they were 40 years ago, but we still have a long way to go to restore many of them. NRCM continues to make clean water a high priority. NRCM was founded by a group of Mainers working to protect the Allagash River, which was designated as the nation's first Wild & Scenic River. Today, it is known as the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. In partnership with others, we also opened up part of the Kennebec River with the removal of the Edwards Dam, and we reopened 2,000 miles of habitat in the Penobscot River Watershed for Atlantic salmon and other sea-run fish.
NOAA Ignores Science Showing Extinction Threat for Atlantic Salmon
An analysis released today by NOAA Fisheries ignores the threat to sea-run fish posed by four dams on Maine’s Kennebec River, according to a leading fisheries biologist and local Maine conservationists. The decision specifically understates the potential for extinction of endangered Atlantic salmon if the four dams are allowed to continue operating. “We have Read More
LD 164, An Act to Fund the Lake Restoration and Protection Fund
Testimony in Support of LD 164, An Act to Fund the Lake Restoration and Protection Fund Senator Brenner, Representative Gramlich, and Members of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee: My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s leading environmental advocacy group Read More
Maine Clean Water Champions Named
Will be honored at Clean Water Act 50th Anniversary event NRCM news release September 20, 2022 (Augusta, ME) – A broad range of volunteers and professionals have been honored as “Clean Water Champions” in Maine as part of a year-long celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. The 100 Clean Water Champions Read More
50 Clean Water Champions to be Honored as Maine Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Clean Water Act
Fifty years ago, the magnitude of pollution in the Androscoggin and other Maine rivers reached a tipping point, helping to galvanize passage of the Clean Water Act. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) will recognize 50 Clean Water Champions who have been leaders in Read More
River Classification Upgrades Will Protect Maine’s Clean Water
NRCM news release April 4, 2022 (Augusta, ME) – More than 800 miles of rivers and streams in Maine will receive stronger protections from pollution under new standards signed into law on Thursday, March 31st. The water quality upgrades contained in LD 1964 are the result of a review conducted every three years by the Read More
Support of LD 1964, An Act To Update Certain Water Quality Standards and To Reclassify Certain Waters of the State
Senator Brenner, Representative Tucker, and Members of the ENR Committee: My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the staff scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), which is Maine’s largest environmental advocacy group with more than 25,000 members and supporters. I am testifying in support of LD 1964. Both Maine and federal Read More
Opposition to LD 1979
Senator Brenner, Representative Tucker, and members of the ENR Committee: My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the staff scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), Maine’s largest environmental advocacy group with more than 25,000 members and supporters. I am testifying in strong opposition to LD 1979. This primary purpose of this Read More
Classification Upgrades Protect Maine’s Clean Water
Maine’s clean water is central to our identity, supporting recreation and local businesses, and providing high-quality drinking water to people across the state. Strong federal and state laws are the biggest reasons why Mainers enjoy such clean water. We’re approaching two milestones in 2022 that really reinforce these critical underpinnings of Maine’s clean waters. The Read More