More than 30 people from the King Middle School community and beyond came together to fight marine debris at East End Beach in Portland. Together, we picked up nearly 8,000 pieces of litter, most of it in one afternoon on June 4. The project was all a part of a challenge we participated in sponsored Read More
Saco Bans Single-use Plastic Bags!
Earlier this spring, Saco became the ninth Maine town to enact an ordinance to ban single-use plastic bags. Saco’s ordinance will apply to all businesses in the town and follows on the heels of the city’s efforts to curb the use of single-use foam containers. Several Maine towns, including Saco, have now banned the use Read More
House Overrides LePage’s Veto of “Nips” Bottle-deposit Bill
If the Senate also agrees to override, the governor says he’ll end sales of the popular miniature bottles of liquor that often end up as litter. by Kevin Miller, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — House lawmakers voted Tuesday to override Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of a bill that would impose a Read More
As Promised, LePage Vetoes Bill to Impose Nickel Deposit on “Nips” Bottles
Now it’s up to the Legislature to decide on a veto override vote, which could lead LePage to simply ban the sale of the small liquor bottles in Maine. by Kevin Miller, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Gov. Paul LePage followed through on his pledge to veto a bill to impose Read More
LePage Vetoes Deposit Bill for Nips
By Steve Collins, Sun Journal AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. Paul LePage vetoed a measure to require a deposit for the tiny liquor bottles known as nips. In his veto message, the governor complained about the cost of the proposal but also offered an alternative way to address the littering problem created by the increasingly popular Read More
From Trash to Table, RSU 19 is Seeking to Put Its Food Waste to Better Use
By Lauren Abbate, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story ETNA, Maine ― Mid-afternoon on a recent Thursday the students at the Etna-Dixmont School were outside frolicking through a field on the left side of the school. While a passerby might mistake the children’s high spirits for a typical recess session, they were actually participating Read More
Brunswick Bans Bags!
A year, almost to the day, after Brunswick banned single-use foam containers, the Town Council voted overwhelmingly to further protect Maine’s environment by adopting an ordinance banning single-use plastic bags. The new ordinance, which was adopted by the Town Council in March after lengthy discussions and multiple opportunities for public input, will go into effect Read More
Lewiston Liquor Bottler Warns Ending “Nips” Sales Would Have “Drastic Impact” on Company
A letter from the Sazerac Co. CEO suggests Gov. LePage’s threat to end sales of 50-milliliter bottles – not a proposed 5-cent bottle deposit – would harm his company and the state. by Kevin Miller, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA – The head of a Lewiston liquor bottler withdrew his support for Read More
LePage Threatens to Veto Deposit on “Nips,” Remove Them from Maine Stores
The governor responds to a bill, likely headed for his desk, that would add the miniature liquor bottles to the state’s bottle deposit bill to reduce littering. by Kevin Miller, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Gov. Paul LePage vowed Tuesday to veto a bipartisan bill that would impose a 5-cent deposit Read More