WGME news story AUGUSTA (WGME) — It’s one of Maine’s largest natural resources. Trees. And Governor Paul LePage wants to use Maine’s trees to lower your energy costs. The governor wants to increase commercial logging on state-owned public land, and use the additional money to help people convert to more efficient home heating systems. Governor Read More
Maine Lawmakers Should Pass Solar Power Rebate Bill
More people would invest in this technology if there were a timely incentive from the state. Portland Press Herald editorial Maine lags behind two-thirds of the states when it comes to installed solar power per capita, and it’s not for the reason you probably think. It’s not because we are so far north or have Read More
Homeowners, and Business and Conservation Leaders, Call on Legislature to Pass Solar Legislation
Urge legislators to keep Maine from lagging on solar energy and jobs News release by Natural Resources Council of Maine and Maine Association of Building Professionals Augusta, ME—Dozens of Maine homeowners and small business owners assembled at the State House today to call on legislators to pass solar legislation this session that will lower barriers Read More
Maine Bill Aims to Boost Solar Power Development
by Patty B. Wight MPBN radio news story The heat of the sun may seem far away on this bitterly cold day. But it was the focus of debate in the Legislature’s Energy and Utilities Committee. A new bill aims to make solar power more affordable and accessible for Mainers. But opponents question the push Read More
Support of LD 1652, An Act to Support Solar Energy Development in Maine
My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. I will begin by stating that, for NRCM, passage of a solid solar power bill is a top priority for the energy committee this session. We believe Read More
Learning about Lobsters
I get to do some pretty cool things thanks to my job at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I met Bonnie Raitt at a concert on the eve of the removal of the Edwards Dam. NRCM was invited to work at a Phish concert (how cool is that?!) in Augusta. I met Senator George Read More
A Day Closer to a Better Energy Future
President Obama’s announcement of his major climate initiative this week was a historic moment. We tuned in at the NRCM office yesterday to hear the speech and cheered for what he had to say. Finally, we are seeing real leadership that will help Maine and all Americans tackle climate change — the gravest environmental threat Read More
Earth Day Marks First Anniversary of NRCM Solar Array
Produced 15,000 Kilowatt-hours In Year One NRCM Press Release AUGUSTA, ME — Today is Earth Day, and Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) is celebrating the one-year anniversary of powering its Augusta headquarters with solar energy. NRCM is the state’s leading environmental advocacy organization, and its solar array has produced 15,000 Kilowatt-hours in its first Read More
Moving Away From Coal and Toward Solar and Wind
Although the coal, oil, and utility lobby spent $500 million over the past two years to defeat comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation, the shift to clean energy is underway and inevitable. Two big developments toward clean energy are worth noting. The New York Times reports that there is a growing movement in the Navajo Read More