Book details how organizations came together to create a model for ecological restoration Islandport Press news release November 10, 2020 (Augusta, Maine)—In June 2016, an Atlantic salmon swam through the town of Howland bound for upriver spawning grounds that had been blocked for nearly two centuries. The historic event followed the remarkable removal of long-standing Read More
river restoration
New Book Shares Stories of Penobscot River Restoration
A new book, From Mountains to the Sea, captures inspiring stories from the Penobscot River Restoration Project, a collaborative effort including the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) that worked to balance fisheries restoration and hydropower production in Maine’s largest watershed. The project removed two dams—the Great Works and the Veazie—that had blocked fish migrations Read More
News & Noteworthy — July – September 2019
News & Noteworthy September 2019 Timber company dropping hotly contested Moosehead development plan The timberland company Weyerhaeuser is asking to terminate a massive rezoning plan for the Moosehead Lake region that was the focus of years of debate and regulatory battles over development in Maine’s North Woods. Gov. Mills wants Maine carbon-neutral by 2045. What Read More
Explore the Nature of Maine: 60 Years Protecting Special Places
This year, the Natural Resources Council of Maine celebrates 60 years of protecting the nature of Maine. We are making time to pause and reflect on what we have accomplished together: clean air, clean water, and an abundance of special places that provide recreational opportunities that many of us love, like hiking, swimming, paddling, and Read More
20 Years Ago, Edwards Dam Removal Sparked a Movement for Free-flowing Rivers
NRCM Announces Plans for an Educational Display at the Dam Site NRCM news release July 1, 2019 (Augusta, ME) – Alewives, Bald Eagles, and other wildlife continue their inspirational return to the Kennebec River and its tributaries, 20 years after the Edwards Dam was removed here along the banks of Maine’s capital city. The dam’s Read More
July 1, 2019: Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Edwards Dam Removal, Augusta
Twenty years ago on Monday, July 1st, hundreds of Mainers stood along the banks of the Kennebec River in Augusta to watch as the Edwards Dam was breached and the river passed through the dam, freely, for the first time in more than 160 years. On the 20th Anniversary of that historic event, we have Read More
LD 817, Advance Restoration of Penobscot
Senator Carson, Representative Tucker, and members of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s largest environmental advocacy group with more than 20,000 members and supporters. I am testifying in support of LD 817. As Read More
How Removing One Maine Dam 20 Years Ago Changed Everything
The removal of the Edwards Dam on Maine’s Kennebec River helped river conservationists reimagine what’s possible. February 11, 2019 By Tara Lohan Turning Points column in The Revelator View graphics from news story. Welcome to the first edition of “Turning Points,” our new column examining critical moments in environmental history when change occurred for the Read More
DEP’s River and Stream Upgrade Proposal is Good for Maine
By Ray Owen, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed I have spent much my life working to improve Maine’s environment. I was a professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Maine for 32 years, commissioner of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for four, and chaired Maine’s former Land Use Read More