The day of the Great Works Dam removal celebration dawned sparkling clear. For me it started early at the Veazie Salmon Club, and had a few moments by the Penobscot River before everyone arrived. The power of the river was palpable, especially after all the rain we’ve had. It coursed over the Veazie Dam, and I Read More
Representative Chellie Pingree
NRCM Statement at Rep. Chellie Pingree’s Event to Release Deca Elimination and Control Act of 2009
Statement by Matt Prindiville, NRCM Toxics Project Director “Today, Representative Pingree is moving forward to ensure Maine families and wildlife are protected from preventable diseases caused by the toxic chemical, deca-BDE. The sooner this bill is adopted by Congress, the sooner our children’s health will be protected. “The scientific evidence is clear. Deca threatens childhood Read More