The governor’s veto is narrowly sustained amid warnings that L.D. 1504 would raise electricity prices, leaving a plan to phase out financial inducements for rooftop panels in effect. by Tux Turkel, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story The Legislature heeded warnings from Maine’s largest utility company about higher electric rates Wednesday and narrowly sustained Read More
renewable energy
Solar Proposal Remains the Best Path Forward for Maine
Legislators should override the veto of a bill that would benefit utilities, consumers and the solar industry. by the Portland Press Herald Editorial Board The solar energy bill that lawmakers will vote on Wednesday is the same one they passed by wide margins in June – 105-41 in the House and 29-6 in the Senate. Read More
Let Solar Energy Empower Ratepayers, Not Utility
Central Maine Power is using distorted figures to scare the public into opposing L.D. 1504. by Senator Tom Saviello, fourth-term Republican state senator from Wilton and chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee Portland Press Herald op-ed AUGUSTA — In the last few months you have heard all about my solar bill, L.D. 1504, Read More
Lawmakers Need to Override LePage Veto to Avert Disastrous Solar Rules
By Vaughan Woodruff, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed This week, legislators will decide whether to override the governor’s veto of LD 1504, an extremely modest bill that aims to remove a uniformly disliked provision of new solar rules slated to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2018. While solar policy discussions in Read More
Solar Farm Covering 57 Acres in Pittsfield Wins Regulators’ OK
By Darren Fishell, BDN staff Bangor Daily News news story Cianbro’s 57-acre solar farm in Pittsfield has cleared its major regulatory hurdles toward getting the $24.2 million project in partial operation by December. Environmental regulators last month cleared the project for construction and the Maine Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday gave the company the go-ahead Read More
Solar Bill Could Help Mainers Facing Some of Nation’s Highest Utility Rates
A bill up for vote this week means the PUC could ensure wise use of solar, despite CMP’s cockeyed arguments otherwise. by Tony Buxton, special to the Press Herald Press Herald op-ed If the Legislature passed a law making you pay your grocer for the vegetables you grow in your own garden, you would be Read More
Novel Solar Tracker in South Paris will Fuel Electric Cars – and Hopes for Inspiring Students
Installing the moveable array of panels along a well-traveled road on the Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School campus will teach students about renewable energy and generate a higher profile. by Tux Turkel, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story The state’s first solar array that tracks the sun to charge electric vehicles will be installed Read More
Time for Lawmakers to Override Solar Veto
A modest change to the way power producers are paid is what an industry needs to expand. Portland Press Herald editorial board The Legislature is supposed to be long gone by the time the summer heat has Mainers turning on their air conditioners, creating the year’s peak demand for electricity. But it’s mid-July and lawmakers Read More
Commentary: Maine Lawmakers Siding with Passing Responsible Energy Policy
Supporting L.D. 1504 with an override vote can thwart efforts to move solar policy backward. By Vaughan Woodruff, owner of Insource Renewables in Pittsfield Press Herald op-ed PITTSFIELD — In the past six years, we’ve heard some absurd energy policy positions and hypocrisy from Gov. LePage. These have ranged from puzzling public comments about the Read More