by Tom Bell, Portland Press Herald Writer Portland Press Herald news story A new law goes into effect today that makes Maine the first state in nation to require manufacturers to pick up the cost of recycling old TVs and computer monitors. Environmentalists say the law will encourage manufacturers to design products that are less Read More
Maine’s First-In-the-Nation Law Requiring Manufacturers to Pay to Recycle Electronic Waste Goes Into Effect
AUGUSTA, MAINE – Today Maine launched the first manufacturer-funded program in the nation designed to capture hazardous electronic waste for safe disposal and recycling. Under the law enacted in 2004, beginning January 18, municipalities will send waste computer and television monitors to consolidation centers that are fully-funded by manufacturers. The manufacturers also pay to safely Read More
Legislature Establishes Recycling for Old Computers and TVs
News release Augusta – The Maine State Legislature has enacted legislation to create a system for the collection and recycling of obsolete computers and televisions containing toxic materials. By final votes of 82-60 in the House and 34-1 in the Senate, the bill has been sent to the Governor for his signature. This bill was Read More
Governor Signs Bills to Protect Health, Reduce Pollution from Mercury in Products and Fillings and from Lead in Computers and TVs
by the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine Today, in celebration of Environmental Health Day in the Hall of Flags at the State Capitol, Governor John Baldacci signed three bills to protect public health and the environment from mercury and lead pollution. The Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine, a coalition of eight Read More
Legislature Adopts “Electronic-Waste” Bill
Bans Disposal of Computer and Television Monitors and Calls for Agency to Plan for Statewide Collection of Hazardous Electronics NRCM news release Augusta, Maine – The Legislature has adopted a bill that bans landfilling and incineration of computer and television monitors effective January 1, 2006 and sets in motion a process to provide for collection Read More
Maine’s “Bottle Bill”: Passing and Protecting It
In the summer of 1976, Maine Senator Edmund Muskie spoke on the floor of the United States Senate regarding the importance of beverage container redemption legislation. “It is a needed step to assist in developing a ‘conservation ethic’ that rejects waste and embraces thrift, husbandry, and saving part of the Earth’s abundance for our posterity,” Read More