Eight members of a legislative committee are calling on the Department of Environmental Protection to withhold a permit for the controversial waste-to-energy project until concerns over state law and funding are addressed. By Madeline St. Amour, Staff Writer Central Maine newspapers news story A controversial proposal to build a waste-to-energy plant in Hampden that would handle Read More
Midcoast Towns Struggle with Trash Tug-of-War
by Andy O’Brien Free Press news story In the coming weeks, Camden, Rockport, Hope and Lincolnville will hold special town meetings to decide where to send their 6,000 tons of annual household trash after March 31, 2018. That date marks the expiration of a lucrative electricity contract between the utility Emera Maine and the Penobscot Read More
“Think About It!” Freeport Interact Club Starts School-wide Recycling Program
On our final school visit, Gabby Grunkemeyer and I headed to Freeport Middle School’s “Interact Club” meeting to hear about their NRCM grant project designing and implementing a school-wide recycling system. As we entered the school, we were greeted by teacher and club leader Lucy Lloyd and a lively group of middle schoolers eager to Read More
Portland is “Connected By Nature”
The City of Portland is developing a well-deserved reputation as one of the most sustainable cities in the nation. This reputation hasn’t happened overnight, or without the help of many of the citizens, businesses, and progressive thinkers in and around Maine’s largest city. A few months ago, the Natural Resources Council of Maine released an Read More
Teaching the Next Generation the Value of Composting and Reducing Waste
When I first started teaching at South Portland High School in 2000, one of the teachers was unable to incorporate the school’s fledgling recycling program into her classroom and asked if I wanted to take up the task. I was immediately interested because I had worked to implement recycling programs when I attended Stonehill College Read More
Reuse—Recycle— Remember
My dad, Clarence E. Gray, lived in Maine from the time he was a teenager and had to drop out of school and go to work in the Westbrook paper mill to help support his family. Later he was drafted into WWII, and before shipping out, worked in the shipyard in South Portland. He had Read More
Teaching and Living Sustainability in Falmouth Elementary Schools
I am a first grade teacher in the largest K-5 elementary school in the state, Falmouth Elementary School. I have brought many sustainability efforts to the children and adults at the school. This endeavor began more than 10 years ago with the introduction by ecomaine of single-stream recycling in Falmouth. Once the program was available in Read More
Freeport Middle Schoolers Take Action for Maine’s Environment
On Tuesday, March 1st, I had the huge privilege of accompanying a group of Freeport Middle School students to NRCM’s Citizen Action Day. These students are part of Freeport Middle School’s Interact Club, one of the eight groups that received an NRCM “Engaging Maine Middle School Students in Protecting the Nature of Maine” grant.
Maine Lawmakers Hear Mixed Testimony on Composting, Recycling Bill
A committee considers one of the most significant updates of Maine’s solid waste management laws, a plan to divert more waste from landfills into recycling or composting programs. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Cities and towns could have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional fees Read More