Guest blog post by NRCM member David Wilkins Editor’s Note: In October 2011, NRCM member and alewife activist David Wilkins wrote a blog post about his personal project to restore this native Maine fish to Webber Pond, near where he lives. As David wrote in his blog, “The run in Muscongus Brook and into Webber Read More
Protecting Wildlife
Maine is home to a wide variety of wildlife, and, for some species, Maine makes up a vast majority of their range or provides essential habitat that can’t be found elsewhere. NRCM works to protect Maine’s wildlife by advocating for policies that ensure they have healthy habitat and abundant resources to thrive.
Feds: Many Causes for Dramatic Bee Disappearance
Associated Press AP news story WASHINGTON — A new federal report blames a combination of problems for a mysterious and dramatic disappearance of U.S. honeybees since 2006. The intertwined factors cited include a parasitic mite, multiple viruses, bacteria, poor nutrition, genetics, habitat loss and pesticides. The multiple causes make it harder to do something about Read More
Let Those Alewives Go
Bangor Daily News editorial The state committee charged with recommending whether to let alewives back into the upper reaches of the St. Croix River should base its decision on science, not anecdotes or politics, and approve a bill to allow the river herring unfettered access to spawning ground. Standing before the Committee on Marine Resources Read More
NRCM Rebuttal Comments Regarding Chapter 12 of the LUPC Rules Regarding Land Use District Requirements for Metallic Mineral Mining
by Eliza Donoghue, NRCM North Woods Policy Advocate and Outreach Coordinator Thank you for the opportunity to respond to comments submitted on the proposed changes to Chapter 12 of the LUPC rules regarding land use district requirements for metallic mineral mining and Level C mineral exploration activities. NRCM has several rebuttal comments, all of which Read More
Report: Climate Change Already Harming Maine Wildlife
Urgent Action Needed to Protect Ecosystems AUGUSTA, ME — Climate change is already changing the playing field for wildlife and urgent action is needed to preserve America’s conservation legacy, according to a new report released today by the National Wildlife Federation. Wildlife in a Warming World: Confronting the Climate Crisis examines case studies from across Read More
Creature Feature: White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus borealis Cool Fact: The summer coat hairs of the white-tailed deer are short, thin, and straight; its winter coat hairs are longer, thicker, curly—and hollow, so that the shafts will fill with air for added warmth. Rare is the person who does not recognize a white-tailed deer when they see one! Their Read More
The St. Croix River Should Be Opened to Alewives
Bangor Daily News editorial It’s time alewives were allowed into the upper reaches of the St. Croix River. Research, in addition to dozens of ponds and streams in Maine, show that alewives can coexist with smallmouth bass. Until there is solid scientific evidence that bass populations will diminish with an influx of alewives north of Read More
Creature Feature: Wood Frog
With spring in Maine comes the return of many wonderful natural sounds. Among them, the short, distinctive raspy clucks of the wood frog, which some characterize as sounding like the quacking of a duck. About two inches in size, the wood frog is typically tan or dark brown overall, with a white belly that may show dark mottling. They have a distinctive dark “mask” that extends to behind ear, a light stripe on the upper jaw, and a dark patch on the chest near the base of the front legs.
Maine Acquires 5,700 Acres around Seboeis Lake
Kevin Miller Bangor Daily News news story Maine officials on Monday announced the acquisition of more than 5,700 acres of land south of Millinocket in a deal that will protect an additional 2 miles of shoreline along Seboeis Lake while securing key snowmobile and ATV routes in the region. Several years in the making, the Read More