Lawmakers Urged to Use Five Common Sense Guidelines to Sort through Reforms News release At a State House news conference today, before a crowd of people from all corners of Maine, a group of businessmen and women endorsed a set of guiding principles that could help lawmakers sort through the raft of proposals for “regulatory Read More
News Release
The Natural Resources Council of Maine creates news releases on issues related to our work. We are a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine’s environment, now and for future generations. We release news as necessary to inform our members, the general public, businesses, and others about threats and opportunities related to Maine’s environment. Often, these news releases are coupled with press conferences, and, as opportunity arises, they include steps people can take to get involved or take action. For more than 50 years, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has been protecting the places and way of life that make Maine so special.
For media inquiries for NRCM, please contact Colin Durrant by email or (207) 430-0103.
2011 Environmental Roundtable with Governor LePage
On January 20, 2011, NRCM sponsored a Roundtable on Maine People and the Environment at which speakers presented to Maine Governor Paul LePage their views on why a clean and healthy environment is important for their job, our economy, the quality of life of Maine people, and our state’s future. More than 500 citizens from Read More
Lisa Pohlmann to Head Natural Resources Council of Maine
NRCM news release The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) is pleased to announce that Lisa Pohlmann of Jefferson has been selected as the organization’s new executive director. The group’s longtime executive director, Brownie Carson, announced last spring that he would be retiring after 26 years at NRCM. Now that the extensive national search process Read More
Landmark Purchase of Dams Opens New Chapter for Penobscot River Fisheries
Penobscot River Restoration Trust purchases three dams from PPL Corp. News release Old Town, ME: A new chapter begins for Maine’s Penobscot River with the Penobscot River Restoration Trust taking ownership of the Veazie, Great Works, and Howland Dams. This $24 million purchase from PPL is a monumental accomplishment for the historic Penobscot River Restoration Read More
Maine BEP Adopts Toxic BPA Rule
Board of Environmental Protection Votes to Replace BPA in Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups NRCM Statement Today, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) took a significant step forward to protect Maine families from the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). Today BEP voted to 1) designate BPA as a priority toxic chemical; 2) restrict its use Read More
40th Anniversary of the Clean Air Act: Statement by NRCM
Statement by Emmie Theberge, NRCM Clean Energy Project Outreach Coordinator My name is Emmie Theberge, and I am the Clean Energy Outreach Coordinator for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for coming here today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act has been a tremendous success Read More
Downeast-Area LNG Activist Wins NRCM’s 2010 People’s Choice Award
NRCM news release The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) is pleased to announce that Vera Francis of Perry has won NRCM’s 2010 People’s Choice Award, for her work protecting Passamaquoddy Bay. NRCM’s People’s Choice is one of the organization’s Environmental Awards, which it gives each year to an individual or group whose actions have Read More
Hannah Pingree to Receive 2010 Environmental Award from NRCM
News Release The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) has chosen House Speaker Hannah Pingree as the recipient of the 2010 Environmental Award for her leadership in passing bold new laws that protect the health of Maine’s people, environment, and wildlife. The prestigious award, which will be presented at NRCM’s annual meeting on Thursday, October Read More
Natural Resources Council of Maine’s Brownie Carson to Step Down
NRCM news release Augusta, Maine—After more than two and a half decades at the helm of the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), Everett “Brownie” Carson will step down from his job as Executive Director later this year. Widely considered one of Maine’s most well respected voices on environmental policy, Carson joined the NRCM staff Read More