Bipartisan Majority Rejects the Costly, Extreme, and Risky Proposal Among its actions this week, the Legislature defeated a controversial “regulatory takings” bill that would have cost Maine taxpayers millions of dollars, caused a proliferation of lawsuits, and blocked future laws that may be necessary to protect Maine’s environment, people, and communities. This action came when Read More
News Release
The Natural Resources Council of Maine creates news releases on issues related to our work. We are a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine’s environment, now and for future generations. We release news as necessary to inform our members, the general public, businesses, and others about threats and opportunities related to Maine’s environment. Often, these news releases are coupled with press conferences, and, as opportunity arises, they include steps people can take to get involved or take action. For more than 50 years, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has been protecting the places and way of life that make Maine so special.
For media inquiries for NRCM, please contact Colin Durrant by email or (207) 430-0103.
NRCM Statement on Conservation Easement on Plum Creek Land
NRCM is always pleased to see conservation easements in Maine’s North Woods. This easement prohibits further residential development and guarantees public access forever. NRCM remains concerned about the size and location of the Plum Creek development, particularly on Lily Bay. Plum Creek’s 2,000 units around beautiful Moosehead Lake, including three resorts, is the largest development Read More
Mainers Rally for Land for Maine’s Future
Bipartisan supporters say bond will spur economic growth and conserve natural resources Land Bond Coalition news release AUGUSTA — Heralding the economic benefit of conserving our state’s natural resources, Mainers including fishermen, sportsmen, conservationists, and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle called on the Legislature to replenish the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program Read More
Canada-Portland Tar Sands Pipeline Hits Strong Opposition
41,000 Comments Submitted from U.S. and Canadian Citizens Against Threat of Piecemeal Proposal Portland, Maine—The Canadian National Energy Board today closed public input on the proposed Line 9 Reversal Phase I tar sands pipeline project after receiving more than 41,000 citizen comments in opposition. A coalition of 11 groups, including Environment Maine, Natural Resources Council Read More
Natural Resources Council of Maine Goes Solar
Nonprofit now powered with solar energy, expects to save $32,000 over life of project NRCM and ReVision Energy AUGUSTA, ME – The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), the state’s leading environmental advocacy organization, has begun powering its Augusta headquarters with solar energy. NRCM partnered with ReVision Energy, a leader in solar design, installation, and Read More
NRCM Comments on the Open Pit Mining Bill LD 1853
by Lisa Pohlmann, NRCM Executive Director A new open-pit mining bill, LD 1853, was introduced just a couple of weeks ago. It would allow much more toxic mining pollution than Maine’s current rules allow. This complex and sweeping bill was released for “public review” less than 24 hours before the public hearing. Mining is currently Read More
Warming Winters Threaten Maine’s Outdoor Traditions
“On Thin Ice” Report Details Impacts on Maine’s Outdoor Heritage Natural Resources Council of Maine and National Wildlife Federation Augusta, Maine—Near-record warmth in the winter of 2011-2012 left wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts and the businesses in winter-based sectors scrambling to adapt—and it’s just a preview of what’s to come in a warming world, according to Read More
Maine Supreme Court’s Decision on Plum Creek’s Moosehead Lake Development Rezoning
by Lisa Pohlmann, NRCM CEO We are disappointed in today’s decision about Plum Creek’s development proposal on lands around Moosehead Lake. We respect the court’s decision. Through the active engagement of thousands of Maine people the final plan was significantly improved from the original plan, though it remains the largest development plan in the state’s Read More
Legislature Urged to Reject Bill that Threatens to Spoil Half of Maine, Add Bureaucracy and Cost
Maine Citizens Who Depend on North Woods for Their Homes, Businesses, Jobs, and Recreation Come to August to Fight for Maine’s North Woods Heritage NRCM Press Release Today, leading citizens from throughout Maine, including the North Woods, gathered in Augusta to speak out about major problems with pending legislation that could spell the end of Read More