Poised to become largest alewife run in the nation NRCM news release Baileyville, Maine – This week marks a big leap in the lives of river herring of the St. Croix River. For the first time in 22 years, this year alewives will be passing the Grand Falls Dam to return to spawn in high-quality Read More
News Release
The Natural Resources Council of Maine creates news releases on issues related to our work. We are a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine’s environment, now and for future generations. We release news as necessary to inform our members, the general public, businesses, and others about threats and opportunities related to Maine’s environment. Often, these news releases are coupled with press conferences, and, as opportunity arises, they include steps people can take to get involved or take action. For more than 50 years, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has been protecting the places and way of life that make Maine so special.
For media inquiries for NRCM, please contact Colin Durrant by email or (207) 430-0103.
NRCM Scientist Nick Bennett Earns Bates Award for Environmental Stewardship
NRCM news release Nick Bennett, staff scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine for more than 16 years, has been awarded The Bates-Morse Mountain Award for Environmental Stewardship. This award goes to an individual or group demonstrating significant commitment to and achievement of environmental stewardship and will be presented at the Harward Center for Read More
New Maine Law Will Let Alewives Return to the St. Croix River
Returning native river herring to the river may create largest run in the nation, over time NRCM Press Release Augusta, Maine — Today, is a big day in the lives of river herring of the St. Croix River, as a bill became law that will finally allow alewives to return to spawn in upstream lakes Read More
Earth Day Marks First Anniversary of NRCM Solar Array
Produced 15,000 Kilowatt-hours In Year One NRCM Press Release AUGUSTA, ME — Today is Earth Day, and Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) is celebrating the one-year anniversary of powering its Augusta headquarters with solar energy. NRCM is the state’s leading environmental advocacy organization, and its solar array has produced 15,000 Kilowatt-hours in its first Read More
LePage Energy Legislation Would Increase Maine Energy Bills by More Than $100 Million
State Senator Jim Boyle Proposes Legislation to Cut Energy Bills through Energy Efficiency NRCM Statement “It is refreshing to see that Governor LePage now supports energy efficiency improvements as a key way to lower residential heating costs. Energy efficiency is our most cost-effective energy resource, and one we can control right here in Maine. Weatherization Read More
New Report Reveals Success of Product Stewardship in Maine
Payments for Recycled Thermostats Make Maine a Leading State Program NRCM Press Release A new report released today by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, Multi-state Mercury Products Campaign (MMPC), and Product Stewardship Institute, shows that Maine’s manufacturer-run program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the Read More
Coalition Petitions Feds to Develop Tar Sands Pipeline Safety Standards
Asks USEPA and DOT to Protect Communities from Tar Sands Spills News Release Montpelier, VT; Augusta, ME — Today, citing inadequate current rules, a coalition of hunter-angler, conservation groups, former government officials, and landowners at risk of tar sands spills filed a petition with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Read More
Fight for Maine Fisheries Comes to Augusta
Lobstermen, fishermen, tribes, guides, scientists, urge legislators to listen to science, and let native fish return to St. Croix River NRCM news release Augusta, Maine — Today, lobstermen, tribal representatives, Maine guides, fishermen, and scientists converged on the State House to urge passage of a bill that would finally allow St. Croix alewives to return Read More
Waterford Passes Resolution Opposing Sending Tar Sands Oil Through Town
NRCM news release Waterford, ME — Waterford residents voted today to pass a municipal resolution stating opposition to sending tar sands oil through ExxonMobil’s Portland-Montreal Pipeline, making it the third Maine town to publicly and officially oppose the proposal. At today’s town meeting more than a half dozen pipeline industry representatives lobbied the townspeople against Read More