Say action on climate change pollution is important for Maine’s identity, culture. NRCM news release Today, business leaders gathered at the iconic Porthole Restaurant on Portland Harbor to release a letter to Maine Senators Susan Collins and Angus King urging their support for proposed national standards on power plant carbon pollution that are as strong Read More
News Release
The Natural Resources Council of Maine creates news releases on issues related to our work. We are a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine’s environment, now and for future generations. We release news as necessary to inform our members, the general public, businesses, and others about threats and opportunities related to Maine’s environment. Often, these news releases are coupled with press conferences, and, as opportunity arises, they include steps people can take to get involved or take action. For more than 50 years, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has been protecting the places and way of life that make Maine so special.
For media inquiries for NRCM, please contact Colin Durrant by email or (207) 430-0103.
Report: Oil Industry Plans to Pump Refined Tar Sands to Maine
Disregarding Public Opposition, Threatening Progress on Climate Change News Release Portland, Maine—Unless we act to stop it, Maine motorists may soon be filling their tanks with gasoline derived from Canadian tar sands, according to a new report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council. The oil industry plans to start pumping refined tar sands gasoline Read More
Groups Join Coalition Calling for Bold Action to Advance Offshore Wind in Atlantic
NRCM press release With critical federal tax incentives set to expire on December 31, twelve Maine organizations joined more than 230 other organizations and elected officials Wednesday to urge the Obama Administration to take swift, bold action to facilitate the development of offshore wind power. Their letter to the President is available here. A 12-megawatt (MW) offshore Read More
Report: Climate Change Impacting Game Species in Maine
Heat, Disease Threaten Big Game and Their Habitats NRCM and NWF press release Augusta, ME (September 25, 2013) – Rising temperatures, spreading diseases, and more extreme weather events fueled by manmade climate change are making survival more challenging for America’s treasured big game wildlife from coast to coast, according to a new report from the Read More
NRCM Congratulates South Portland Residents for Hard-fought Campaign to Protect Community
Laments relentless oil industry spending on misinformation campaign Statement of NRCM CEO Lisa Pohlmann, on South Portland Waterfront South Portland, ME — Today’s vote of 4,453 against and 4,261 for — a 200-vote margin — on the Waterfront Protection Ordinance to protect South Portland from tar sands is a disappointing outcome for the people of Read More
2013 NRCM Environmental Awards for Fighting Tar Sands Oil and LPG Tank, and Advocating for Alewives
NRCM news release Augusta, ME – The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) has awarded its 2013 NRCM Environmental Awards to an outstanding individual and two groups of activists working to project Maine’s environment. The awards, which are presented at NRCM’s annual meeting, are given each year to people and groups that have made a Read More
Health Professionals Call Tar Sands Smokestacks Serious Health Threat
Doctors, seniors, parents, coaches, voice concerns Protect South Portland news release Local physicians, coaches, seniors, and the American Lung Association gathered today at the Betsy Ross House, a senior-citizen residency in South Portland just a half mile from the proposed tar sands smokestacks, to express their serious concern about the health impacts of a tar Read More
NRCM 2013 Environmental Award Winner: Paul Bisulca
Paul Bisulca 2013 Environmental Award for exceptional efforts to reopen the St. Croix River to alewives It was great news for NRCM in 2012 when Paul Bisulca became involved in the fight to end Maine’s 1995 alewife law blocking these important fish from their ancestral spawning areas of the St. Croix River. NRCM had been Read More
NRCM 2013 People’s Choice Award Presented to “Thanks But No Tank”
Thanks But No Tank 2013 People’s Choice Award for exceptional efforts mobilizing and engaging citizens to protect Searsport and surrounding coastal communities from potential harm posed by a proposed LPG tank and terminal. This year, NRCM received 26 People’s Choice nominations from across the state. We then had the difficult task of narrowing it down to Read More