NRCM news release April 11, 2019 (Hallowell, ME) – The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity for Central Maine Power’s (CMP) corridor project. In a statement issued after the vote, Sue Ely, a Staff Attorney at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, called the decision deeply flawed Read More
News Release
The Natural Resources Council of Maine creates news releases on issues related to our work. We are a nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine’s environment, now and for future generations. We release news as necessary to inform our members, the general public, businesses, and others about threats and opportunities related to Maine’s environment. Often, these news releases are coupled with press conferences, and, as opportunity arises, they include steps people can take to get involved or take action. For more than 50 years, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has been protecting the places and way of life that make Maine so special.
For media inquiries for NRCM, please contact Colin Durrant by email or (207) 430-0103.
Repeal of Gross Metering a Boost for Clean Energy in Maine
NRCM news release Augusta, ME – Governor Janet Mills today signed into law the repeal (LD 91) of an anti-solar gross metering policy enacted by her predecessor to stifle the development of solar energy in Maine. The change was heralded by the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) as an important first step in moving Read More
Statewide Poll Shows Strong Opposition to CMP Corridor
As DEP/LUPC public hearings begin, 65% of Mainers oppose the project NRCM news release Augusta, ME – The vast majority of registered Maine voters are firmly opposed to Central Maine Power’s (CMP) proposed electricity corridor project, according to a new statewide poll conducted by the Portland-based research firm Critical Insights. The survey shows that 65% Read More
PUC Examiner’s Report on CMP Corridor Makes Troubling Conclusions
Fails to address key concern on climate impact, is out of step with growing opposition from Mainers NRCM news release Augusta, ME — The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) staff today issued their “Examiner’s Report” for the Central Maine Power (CMP) corridor project. The review makes several troubling conclusions and includes a recommended decision from Read More
Craft Brewers Launch “Maine Brewshed Alliance” to Help Protect Clean Water
Freeport, ME — Today, at a news conference in Maine Beer Company’s new tasting room, representatives from 13 of the state’s top craft breweries joined together to launch the Maine Brewshed® Alliance—a coalition of Maine brewers committed to helping protect clean water in the state’s rivers, lakes, streams, and ocean. In partnership with Maine’s leading Read More
In Another Hit to CMP Corridor, Farmington Votes to Oppose Project
NRCM news release Farmington, ME – Voters in Farmington tonight voted decisively to oppose the Central Maine Power (CMP) corridor project. The vote is another sign that CMP’s proposal to cut a huge transmission line through the North Woods to send hydropower from Canada to Massachusetts faces deep and growing opposition from residents throughout western Read More
Strong Support from Broad Diversity of Mainers for Climate Action Bill
LD 797 would set roadmap for cutting carbon pollution and strengthening Maine’s economy News Release From shellfish growers and farmers to doctors and home-grown clean energy businesses, a wide range of Mainers testified today in support of a bipartisan bill to spark action on climate change. An Act to Limit Greenhouse Gas Pollution and Effectively Read More
Wilton Latest Town to Oppose CMP Transmission Project Through Overwhelming Vote by Residents
Proposed CMP Settlement Fails to Change Minds NRCM News Release Tonight voters in the town of Wilton voted to rescind the town’s previous support and take a position opposed to CMP’s proposed transmission corridor from Canada through Western Maine. Like many other towns, Wilton’s select board had signed an early letter in support of the Read More
Mills Establishes a Strong Foundation for Action on Climate Change
Statement of Dylan Voorhees, NRCM Climate & Clean Energy Director “NRCM applauds and congratulates Governor Mills on the important commitments she made today on climate change and clean energy. “As the governor said, Maine people, communities, and businesses overwhelmingly recognize that climate change is a reality we must confront. Increasingly we also see the need Read More