by Sandra Neily Bangor Daily News op-ed Decentralize and localize LURC with more county representation? Allow a county to opt out of LURC oversight? Remove centralized management of a forest asset that drops billions of dollars a year into the Maine economy? Imagine North Woods resources as an affiliated, sprawling string of factories. (Maine people Read More
Maine Legislature
The Natural Resources Council of Maine reviews every bill being considered by the Maine Legislature to determine which ones deserve support and which ones should be opposed based on their potential impact on Maine’s environment. Read more about the bills we are following and taking action on.
LURC’s Role Needs to Be Reaffirmed, Not Subject to Local Political Pressure
The agriculture committee should reject the LURC reform proposal to protect Maine’s woods by Robert Kimber Portland Press Herald op-ed Our license plate rightly declares that Maine is Vacationland. Tourism is one of our major industries, and the future of that industry depends on maintaining the health, integrity and beauty of the Maine coast and Read More
‘Takings’ Bill Would Reward Big Landowners at Taxpayers’ Expense
L.D. 1810 is an effort to thwart the environmental laws that protect Maine’s water and wildlife. by Ron Joseph of Camden, a retired wildlife biologist Portland Press Herald op-ed CAMDEN — During the late 1950s and early 1960s, my father often took me spring fishing on weekends. Occasionally, we’d travel north from our Waterville home Read More
Opposition to LD 1798, An Act to Reform Land Use Planning in the Unorganized Territory
Good afternoon Sen. Sherman, Rep. Edgecomb and members of the Committee. My name is Lisa Pohlmann. I am a resident of Jefferson. I am the Executive Director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am here today on behalf of the 12,000 members and supporters of the Natural Resources Council of Maine in opposition to Read More
The Worst Duck-hunting Season Ever
On January 31, 2012, I finally got around to my first blog entry since hunting season started in October. I’ve been delinquent again and I’m sorry about it. But there is something fitting in writing my blog on the last possible day to duck hunt in Maine. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it out hunting that Read More
Statement on Proposed Restructuring of Maine DEP
by Pete Didisheim, NRCM Advocacy Director We are deeply concerned about the Administration’s announcement to pursue a massive restructuring of Maine’s DEP, and we urge the Legislature to put the brakes on this bad idea. We are aware of no evidence that this proposal will be good for Maine — not for taxpayers, Maine businesses, Read More
Poll Shows Maine Voters Oppose Environmental Rollbacks
A poll conducted two weeks ago by Portland-based Critical Insights shows that Maine voters overwhelming oppose specific environmental rollback proposals now before the Maine Legislature, including efforts to weaken shoreland zoning, the bottle bill, and Maine’s energy building code. The survey finds that Maine voters place a high priority on protecting our land, water and air; Read More
Anti-Environment Agenda Largely Defeated at State House
Majority of Rollbacks Rejected in Response to Overwhelming Opposition NRCM news release As the Legislature adjourned this week, it left behind a pile of defeated environmental rollback bills that were deemed too extreme and too strongly opposed by Maine people to be enacted into law. “More bills were introduced this session to weaken or repeal Read More
Legislature Rolls Back Maine’s Statewide Building Code Despite Strong Opposition from Building Trades, Businesses, and Others
News Release The House voted today (76-71) to give final passage to a bill, LD 1416, that would exempt more than 400 cities and towns, with 40% of Maine’s population, from the Maine Uniform Building & Energy Code. The code provides consumer protection, increases energy efficiency and reduces heating oil costs for Maine people by Read More