By Christopher Cousins Bangor Daily News news story Gov. Paul LePage made news on several fronts during a nearly hour-long press conference Friday at the Blaine House, which by now you’ve probably read something about. One of the tidbits we know the least about was LePage’s statement that he has called for an investigation into Read More
Maine Legislature
The Natural Resources Council of Maine reviews every bill being considered by the Maine Legislature to determine which ones deserve support and which ones should be opposed based on their potential impact on Maine’s environment. Read more about the bills we are following and taking action on.
Lots of Effort Went Into Writing Maine’s Mining Rules, But They’re Still Too Weak
By Hendrik Gideonse, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed For three months I’ve been part of a tiny handful of citizens watching a drive to approve weakened metallic mining regulations that threaten Maine’s precious environment and that challenge the very character of Maine’s democracy. We have attended a dozen-plus mining hearings and work Read More
Proposed Mining Rules Still Too Weak to Adequately Protect Watersheds, Taxpayers
Legislature must reject the rules again they still don’t address concerns leading to defeat last year. By Rep. Ralph Tucker & Rep. Jeffrey Pierce Kennebec Journal op-ed A mining statute to relax our laws and attract mining to Maine was rushed through the Maine Legislature in 2012. The Legislature last year rejected weak rules to Read More
Maine PUC Votes to Deny Motions by Four Parties to Reconsider Its Decision to Limit Energy Efficiency
Second failure by PUC to honor legislative intent means Maine Senate should now take action to correct error News Release Augusta, ME – The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) today voted (2-1) to deny two motions urging them to reconsider their recent decision to severely limit funding for energy efficiency programs that reduce electricity costs Read More
Legislative Committee Passes Controversial Mining Bill
Advocates say Maine’s mining regulations are unduly restrictive while critics cite fears of pollution. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — In a divided vote, a legislative committee has endorsed a controversial proposal to rewrite Maine’s mining regulations after a months-long debate focused largely on a potential mine at an Read More
Here Comes the Sun, So Why Isn’t Maine Taking Advantage of Free Power?
Maine has 30 percent more sun than Germany, which gets 7 percent of its electricity from solar power. By George Smith Kennebec Journal column “Here comes the sun; here comes the sun; and I say it’s all right.” Well, maybe not. This Beatles song is right about the sun. It shines in Maine more than Read More
Mining Rules for Maine: Weeks of Negotiations Fail to Forge Consensus
By Mal Leary Maine Public news story AUGUSTA, Maine – Maine Lawmakers have worked for weeks on an effort to overhaul the state’s mining regulations. But it was mostly opponents that showed up at an unusual second public hearing on the same legislation. And it appears that the committee is still divided on the issue, Read More
NRCM Testimony in Opposition to Proposed Committee Amendments, LD 750
Senator Saviello, Representative Welsh, and members of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee: My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s largest environmental advocacy group with over 16,000 members and supporters. NRCM opposes the Committee’s proposed amendments to LD 750 because: Read More
Critics Say LePage ‘Cherry-picking’ Land Conservation Deals
The $1.7 million federal grant he accepted is separate from voter-approved bonds, but some say he’s superseding a state board with 30 projects lined up. By Steve Mistler, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Gov. Paul LePage has accepted $1.7 million in federal funding for a 13,875-acre conservation project in Piscataquis County, Read More