by Susan Sharon Maine Public news story The Maine House and Senate have overridden the governor’s veto of a bill to protect Maine from the hazards of mining pollution. This marks the third time in the past five years that lawmakers have blocked the Department of Environmental Protection from adopting mining rules that critics said Read More
Maine Legislature
The Natural Resources Council of Maine reviews every bill being considered by the Maine Legislature to determine which ones deserve support and which ones should be opposed based on their potential impact on Maine’s environment. Read more about the bills we are following and taking action on.
Maine Lawmakers Buck LePage, Pass Mineral Mining Rules after Years of Debate
By Christopher Cousins, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — A bill to regulate large-scale mining in Maine will go into law over the objections of Gov. Paul LePage following the Legislature’s rejection of his veto. The House of Representatives settled the matter Wednesday afternoon in a convincing 122-21 vote in favor Read More
Lawmakers Override LePage Veto, Adopt Mining Restrictions
The regulations, often described as among the nation’s strictest, ban larger open-pit mines and require mining companies to cover the costs of major cleanup projects. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — After years of heated debate, Maine lawmakers gave final approval Wednesday to restrictive new regulations on metallic mining Read More
Legislature Overrides Governor LePage Veto of “An Act to Protect Maine’s Clean Water and Taxpayers from Mining Pollution” (LD 820)
Statement of Nick Bennett, Staff Scientist, Natural Resources Council of Maine “NRCM is grateful that the Legislature has overridden the governor’s veto of LD 820. Today, the Maine Senate voted unanimously to override the veto, and the House voted 122-21. Members of both parties worked equally hard on the bill during countless hours of work Read More
Maine Bottle Bill Expanded to Include “Nips”
In 1976, Maine Senator Edmund Muskie mobilized a staunch anti-littering sentiment that resulted in the passage of Maine’s biggest recycling success story, the Bottle Bill. Fast forward some four decades later and the bill is reaching new heights. In 2017, the House and Senate voted to override Governor LePage’s veto of a bill requiring a five-cent deposit on small liquor bottles—known widely as “nips”—to be added to the Bottle Bill. Roadside litter is Read More
Maine Enacts the Nation’s Strictest Metal Mining Law
Metal mining is one of the most dangerous industrial endeavors. Maine is a particularly risky place to mine because of the high levels of sulfides in metal deposits here and our rainy and snowy weather. Sulfides in metal deposits become sulfuric acid when exposed to air or water. Maine’s wet springs and snowy winters would Read More
NRCM Statement on Strong Bipartisan Vote to Add “Nips” Liquor Bottles to Maine’s Bottle Bill
Statement of Sarah Nichols, Sustainable Maine Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “NRCM applauds Maine lawmakers for taking a strong, bipartisan stance against roadside litter and in support of Maine’s Bottle Bill by adding ‘nips’ to the redemption program. Today the Maine Senate voted to support adding nips to Maine’s Bottle Bill by a vote Read More
Rooftop Solar Bill Advances, but Republican Opposition Foreshadows Fight
The measure endorsed by the Legislature’s energy committee calls for a cost-benefit analysis of how utilities pay homeowners and small businesses for the electricity they generate. By Tux Turkel, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — A bill that would keep current financial incentives for rooftop solar in place pending a cost-benefit study Read More
In Gov. LePage’s View, No One Has Right Answers but Him
His resistance to a legislative deal on ‘nips’ deposits is just the latest in a long list of policy stances shaped by his gripes and prejudices. Portland Press Herald editorial It should have been a story about how government and industry came together to quietly solve a problem through compromise. Instead, it became another example Read More