Senator David Woodsome, Representative Seth Berry, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology, my name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. Given the history of the policies in this bill, Read More
Maine Legislature
The Natural Resources Council of Maine reviews every bill being considered by the Maine Legislature to determine which ones deserve support and which ones should be opposed based on their potential impact on Maine’s environment. Read more about the bills we are following and taking action on.
Maine PUC Still Doesn’t Know How to Implement Its New Net Metering Rule
Delays Implementation Until May 1, 2018 Statement by Dylan Voorhees, Clean Energy Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “Today the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) reckoned with some of the flaws in their ill-conceived and harmful net metering rollback, deciding to delay implementation by four months. This is a small victory, considering what Maine people really Read More
In Legislature, Solar Bill Met a More Powerful Foe: Doubt
Blindsided by a late question of constitutionality, backers see an effort to preserve incentives undone by seeds of confusion. by Tux Turkel, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story Solar advocates spent months promoting the benefits of rooftop installations, developing details on topics ranging from job growth to lower electric rates. They thought they had Read More
Maine Lawmakers Pull Plug on Bill to Maintain Solar Incentives
The governor’s veto is narrowly sustained amid warnings that L.D. 1504 would raise electricity prices, leaving a plan to phase out financial inducements for rooftop panels in effect. by Tux Turkel, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story The Legislature heeded warnings from Maine’s largest utility company about higher electric rates Wednesday and narrowly sustained Read More
Maine Legislature Fails to Override LePage Solar Veto
Major loss for solar power, jobs, and Maine electricity customers NRCM news release Today, the Maine House of Representatives voted to sustain Governor LePage’s veto of the solar bill, despite the fact that the bill passed the House and Senate initially by more than a two-thirds super majority. Seven Republican legislators changed their position from Read More
Let Solar Energy Empower Ratepayers, Not Utility
Central Maine Power is using distorted figures to scare the public into opposing L.D. 1504. by Senator Tom Saviello, fourth-term Republican state senator from Wilton and chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee Portland Press Herald op-ed AUGUSTA — In the last few months you have heard all about my solar bill, L.D. 1504, Read More
Lawmakers Need to Override LePage Veto to Avert Disastrous Solar Rules
By Vaughan Woodruff, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed This week, legislators will decide whether to override the governor’s veto of LD 1504, an extremely modest bill that aims to remove a uniformly disliked provision of new solar rules slated to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2018. While solar policy discussions in Read More
Time for Lawmakers to Override Solar Veto
A modest change to the way power producers are paid is what an industry needs to expand. Portland Press Herald editorial board The Legislature is supposed to be long gone by the time the summer heat has Mainers turning on their air conditioners, creating the year’s peak demand for electricity. But it’s mid-July and lawmakers Read More
Gov. LePage Vetoes Solar ‘Net Metering’ Bill, Again
A representative for the solar installation industry accuses the governor of lying in his veto letter to change House Republicans’ votes. by Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — As expected, Gov. Paul LePage has vetoed a solar energy bill strongly supported by environmental groups and solar installation companies. The bill, Read More