Maine’s conservation ethic continues to drive economic growth July 26, 2023 (Augusta, ME) — This year’s legislative session was another demonstration of Maine’s continued leadership on clean energy, with a signature bill that boosts offshore wind and continued momentum on measures that will help achieve Maine’s climate action goals while reducing energy costs, creating jobs, Read More
Maine Legislature
The Natural Resources Council of Maine reviews every bill being considered by the Maine Legislature to determine which ones deserve support and which ones should be opposed based on their potential impact on Maine’s environment. Read more about the bills we are following and taking action on.
Maine Legislature Approves Plan to Boost Offshore Wind
July 26, 2023 (Augusta, ME) — Earlier this morning at about 3:00 a.m., the Maine Legislature passed a historic bill to encourage 3GW of offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine while creating good-paying jobs, protecting wildlife, avoiding key fishing grounds, and supporting new port construction. Below is a statement from the Natural Resources Read More
Modernizing Maine’s Bottle Bill
Step into your local redemption center and what you will see is the heart and soul of Maine’s most effective recycling and litter prevention program. At Patman’s Redemption Center in Windham, hardworking employees are in a constant state of motion, hand-sorting thousands and thousands of bottles and cans brought in by a seemingly endless flow Read More
Historic Offshore Wind Bill Advances in Maine
Legislators, the Mills Administration, organized labor, a key fisheries group, and environmental organizations have agreed on consensus language that will advance a major omnibus offshore wind bill in the Maine Legislature. The bill will responsibly develop offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine and encourage new deepwater port construction while maintaining strong standards to ensure good-paying jobs for Maine workers, protections for wildlife, avoidance of important fishing grounds, broad stakeholder engagement, and inclusive community benefits.
Bill to Boost Maine’s Offshore Wind Economy Advances Out of Committee
A bill to jumpstart a new offshore wind industry for Maine has been approved by the EUT Committee and now heads to the full Legislature for consideration. LD 1895, An Act Regarding the Procurement of Energy from Offshore Wind Resources, will generate a historic investment in affordable and reliable clean energy to power Maine’s homes, businesses, and transportation.
Offshore Wind Industry to Provide Massive Benefits to Economy, Climate in Maine
Environmental, labor groups advocate for clean energy development, responsible offshore wind industry in LD 1895 public hearing News release of: Maine Audubon, Maine Labor Climate Council, Natural Resources Council of Maine, Union of Concerned Scientists, Maine Conservation Voters, Maine Climate Action Now, Iron Workers Local 7, Laborers’ International Union Local 327 A winning coalition of Read More
Support of LD 1156, A Maine Trails Bond
Testimony in Support of LD 1156, An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Promote the Design, Development and Maintenance of Trails for Outdoor Recreation and Active Transportation Senator Rotundo, Representative Sachs, and distinguished members of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. I am Pete Didisheim, the Advocacy Director for the Natural Read More
LD 1682, An Act to Create the Maine Experiential Education Program
Testimony in Support of LD 1682, An Act to Create the Maine Experiential Education Program Senator Ingwersen, Representative Pluecker, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, my name is Vanessa Berry. I am the Sustainable Maine Outreach Coordinator for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I appreciate this opportunity Read More
Tips for Advocating for Maine’s Trails While We Wait Out Mud Season
Mainers say we have a fifth season: the season of all things mud. And thanks to summer temperatures last week and current cold, rainy weather, this month actually feels like we are experiencing each season over the span of just a few weeks. When the spring day rolls around where I find myself outside in a Read More