Good afternoon Senator Dill, Representative O’Neil, and Members of the Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Committee. I am Melanie Sturm, Forests and Wildlife Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), and I am writing to provide comments in support of LD 322. Maine’s public lands, including state parks and historic sites, are cherished places Read More
Maine Legislature
The Natural Resources Council of Maine reviews every bill being considered by the Maine Legislature to determine which ones deserve support and which ones should be opposed based on their potential impact on Maine’s environment. Read more about the bills we are following and taking action on.
Making a Difference Over Zoom: My January NRCM Internship
Imagine waking up every morning with a chance to conduct important advocacy research that could directly help influence what legislative bills are passed in Maine this year. Imagine spending every day attending interesting meetings full of smart, passionate people speaking about their work on environmental topics, ranging from climate and clean energy to developing outreach Read More
Support of LD 314, An Act to Continue the Green Power Electricity Offer
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee. I am pleased to provide this testimony in support of LD 314, An Act to Continue the Green Power Electricity Offer. Green Power Transition Vital Bolstering and accelerating our transition to a future powered by clean energy is key to Maine’s efforts to address climate change and to ensuring a Read More
Opposition to LD 39, LD 108, and LD 244, Legislation to Repeal Maine’s Ban on Single-use Plastic Bags
Senator Brenner, Representative Tucker, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Sarah Nichols, and I am the Sustainable Maine Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I appreciate this opportunity to speak to you in strong opposition to LD 39, LD 108, and LD 244. Read More
Support of LD 155, Resolve, Directing the Board of Pesticides Control to Prohibit the Use of Certain Neonicotinoids for Outdoor Residential Use
Senator Dill, Representative O’Neil, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, my name is Sarah Nichols, and I am the Sustainable Maine Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I appreciate this opportunity to testify in support of LD 155. NRCM is supporting this bill because we believe that Read More
Support of LD 82, Resolve, To Provide for Participation of the State in the Planning and Negotiations for the Atlantic Loop Energy Project
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and distinguished members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee, I am pleased to provide this testimony in support of LD 82, a Resolve to Provide for Participation of the State in the Planning and Negotiations for the Atlantic Loop Energy Project. This Resolve is essentially about good governance and planning. Read More
Support of LD 8, An Act To Support Collection and Proper Disposal of Unwanted Drugs
Senator Brenner, Representative Tucker, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Sarah Nichols, and I am the Sustainable Maine Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I appreciate this opportunity to speak to you in support of LD 8, which would help Mainers dispose of Read More
Support of LD 2, An Act to Require the Inclusion of Racial Impact Statements in the Legislative Process
Senator Joseph Baldacci, Chair Representative Ann Matlack, Chair Joint Committee on State and Local Government Dear Senator Baldacci, Representative Matlack, and distinguished members of the State and Local Government Committee: My name is Lisa Pohlmann, I am the CEO of the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), and I am offering this testimony in support Read More
Support of the Nomination of Melanie Loyzim to Serve as DEP Commissioner
Senator Brenner, Representative Tucker, and distinguished members of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. My name is Pete Didisheim. I am the Advocacy Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, and I am pleased to testify today in support of the governor’s nomination of Melanie Loyzim to serve as Commissioner for the Department of Read More