Projects are going up all over, aiming to harness electricity and, in the process, create local jobs. by Colin Ellis, Morning Sentinel Central Maine newspapers news story In early December, when light was dwindling in the late afternoon and wintry weather was taking hold, space heaters were coming out of storage and household lights were Read More
Maine Economy
Katahdin Woods and Waters: “Renewed Hope for Maine”
by Mary Kuhlman Public News Service news story AUGUSTA, Maine – From Maine to California, hundreds of small businesses are speaking up on behalf of some of the country’s most treasured places. Nearly 600 businesses and chambers of commerce on Thursday sent a letter asking the head of the National Economic Council to encourage the Read More
Zinke’s Silence on the Monument Creates Uncertainty for Northern Maine
By Jim Dill, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed If you visit Penobscot Avenue in Millinocket on a gorgeous autumn weekend this year, odds are you’ll see far more people than you may have seen a year ago. Cars are parked on the street and people are bustling about downtown. Most of the Read More
NRCM Warns: Lawsuit Likely if Commercial Logging Permitted in National Monument
BY STAFF Mainebiz news story Lisa Pohlmann, executive director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, served notice to the Trump administration that allowing “commercial logging” in the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument would “almost certainly trigger a lawsuit.” Pohlmann’s warning is in response to a leaked report from Secretary of the Interior Ryan Read More
Leaked Recommendations for Maine Monument Met with Confusion
by Susan Sharon Maine Things Considered, Maine Public Supporters of Maine’s Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument say a leaked memo from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to the White House is confusing and only creates more economic uncertainty in the region. Leaked to media outlets three weeks after it was supposed to be made public, Read More
Zinke’s Decision to Keep Maine Monument Worth Celebrating
By John Holyoke Bangor Daily News column After months of nervous hand-wringing, news began to trickle out of Washington, D.C., on Thursday that ought to make many supporters of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument happy. The review of the monument by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is complete, and first indications, according to Read More
Interior Secretary Wants to Keep Maine’s Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument
Ryan Zinke is not recommending the removal of any of the 27 monuments under review but said some could be changed. by Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA – Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will not recommend elimination of Katahdin Woods and Waters or other national monuments in a report expected to Read More
New Report: At First Anniversary — Local Voices Praise Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument
News release Bangor — The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) today released a new report featuring business and civic leaders from the Katahdin region describing how Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument is providing positive benefits to their communities. The report was issued to coincide with the one-year anniversary of the National Monument, which Read More
It’s Only Been a Year, but the Monument is Already Benefiting the Katahdin Region
By Richard Schmidt III, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed As the anniversary of the designation of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument approaches, this is a good time to celebrate all the benefits the monument is already bringing to Maine and its people, even those few but vocal people who opposed the Read More