By Buzz Caverly, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed Fifty-five years ago, as a young man shortly out of high school, I was hired as a Baxter State Park ranger and assigned to the Russell Pond campground in the heart of the Wassataquoik Valley, at the eastern edge of the park. For years, Read More
Maine Economy
Here Comes the Sun, So Why Isn’t Maine Taking Advantage of Free Power?
Maine has 30 percent more sun than Germany, which gets 7 percent of its electricity from solar power. By George Smith Kennebec Journal column “Here comes the sun; here comes the sun; and I say it’s all right.” Well, maybe not. This Beatles song is right about the sun. It shines in Maine more than Read More
LePage Pens Earth Day Letter to Obama Opposing New National Park
By Mario Moretto, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — While proponents continue their efforts to set aside 150,000 acres in northern Maine for a national park and recreation area, Gov. Paul LePage voiced his opposition to the plan in a letter addressed to President Barack Obama. A company called Elliotsville Plantation Read More
Public Opinion Survey Shows Broad Support for New Proposed National Park and National Recreation Area
NRCM news release The Natural Resources Council of Maine today released the results of two public opinion survey questions about a proposal to establish a new National Park and National Recreation Area on 150,000 acres of land east of Baxter State Park. The questions, included in the Spring Critical Insights of Maine Tracking Survey, show Read More
Support of LD 1263, Create Jobs through Increased Access to Solar Energy
Senator David Woodsome, Chair Representative Mark Dion, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. Passage of this legislation is one of the top priorities for Read More
Solar Supporters Detail Economic and Public Benefits of Solar
Proposed Maine Solar Legislation Will Increase Access to Solar, Lower Electric Costs for All, Spur Job Creation NRCM news release Augusta, ME—Municipal, business, conservation leaders and others gathered at the State House today to describe the benefits of solar power for Maine, and urge lawmakers to take action to prevent Maine from falling further behind Read More
NRCM Testimony in Opposition to LD 791, An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Wind Energy Development Permitting
Senator Peter Edgecomb, Chair Representative Craig Hickman, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. Because this bill and LD 828 treat similar issues, we encourage Read More
Inspired to Decide: A New National Park is a Good Idea
Like a lot of people I know, I have been perched on the sidelines of the debate about whether land owned by the nonprofit Elliottsville Plantation, Inc. (EPI) should become a national park and national recreation area or not. The proposed Katahdin Woods and Waters National Park and National Recreation Area would be located on Read More
Medway, East Millinocket Selectmen Finalizing List of National Park Requirements
By Nick Sambides Jr., BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story MEDWAY, Maine — Medway’s Board of Selectmen wants a proposed North Woods national park to be no larger than 150,000 acres and East Millinocket’s leaders seek a voice in any park legislation, according to letters the towns are sending to the state’s congressional delegation. Read More