The elections are now behind us and it’s time to get going again. The Natural Resources Council of Maine is committed to working with the new Mills Administration and all new (and former) legislators to move forward. We are excited to start making serious progress protecting our environment. We have spent too much time in Read More
Land for Maine's Future
My Summer Internship with NRCM
Today is my last day of work as a summer intern for the Natural Resources Council of Maine, the conclusion to a wildly enjoyable summer. I am a rising junior at Bowdoin College studying English and Environmental Studies. NRCM provided an incredible and unique opportunity to marry the two disciplines, allowing me to focus a Read More
Poll Shows Maine Voters Ready for Action to Address Climate and Support LMF and National Monument
Augusta, Maine – Today, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) released the results of a public opinion survey on the attitudes of likely Maine voters on a range of environmental and energy issues. The survey was completed in April by the Portland-based research firm Critical Insights. The results are being sent to more than Read More
My Maine This Week: Celebrating 30 Years of the Land for Maine’s Future Program
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program, which has protected more than 490,000 acres of land, working waterfronts, and working farms. We encourage you to explore the more than 100 LMF sites throughout Maine, in all 16 counties. Use our Explore Maine Map to help you find a Read More
My Maine This Week: Mary Zambello
Congratulations to Mary Zambello, whose photo of the Presumpscot River Preserve in Portland was the winner of our “30 Years of Land for Maine’s Future” photo contest. Thanks to everyone who entered and everyone who voted. The Natural Resources Council of Maine was happy to be able to share these beautiful photos that help to raise awareness Read More
Androscoggin River Access
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (IF&W) purchased a 51-acre property in Canton bordering the Androscoggin River that provides a trailered boat launch, hand-carry access, and potentially a riverside picnic area. The site lies midway between existing launch sites at Riley Dam and Harvey Brook, providing needed access to the river along the Read More
Androscoggin Riverlands
When a timber company with lands along the Androscoggin River began to divest itself of its Maine holdings in the late 1980s, local residents grew concerned that the woods they had long enjoyed for traditional recreation might be subdivided and developed. They circulated petition drives, created a video about the property, and sought help from Read More
Aroostook State Park
In a rolling landscape dominated by farms, Quaggy Joe Mountain presents a prominent profile. Alongside it lies Echo Lake, a popular brook trout fishery and swimming destination. Both these recreational resources lie within Aroostook State Park, the first state park ever created in Maine (in 1939). The Park, just five miles south of Presque Isle, draws Read More
Appleton Preserve
There are more than 300 species of vascular plants in seven different natural community types. The community type that occupies the largest area on the property is the Hemlock Forest, which includes small patches of Red Maple Sensitive Fern Swamp in low-lying areas mostly associated with the riparian zone. The plant diversity at Appleton Preserve Read More