By George Smith Bangor Daily News blog The room was packed, most unusual for a meeting of the Land for Maine’s Future Board. Extra chairs were squeezed into the small room, but some folks still had to stand. The news that Governor Paul LePage was refusing to permit the LMF Board to use bond money to Read More
Land for Maine's Future
Lawmakers Question Plan for More Logging on Maine’s State-owned Land
The adminstration’s plans for an increased timber harvest and reorganized land management get a cool reception from a legislative committee. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Lawmakers grilled a LePage administration official Tuesday about plans to substantially increase logging of state-owned lands and reorganize the department that oversees Maine’s Read More
Conservation Groups Say LePage Withholding Bonds Puts Projects in Jeopardy
The governor has authorized the release of less than $1 million of $11.47 million approved by voters in 2010 and 2012, yet even that amount hasn’t been disbursed to the conservation projects. By Steve Mistler, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Conservation groups say Gov. Paul LePage has failed to deliver on Read More
Support of LD 39: Resolve, To Require a Review of the Merger That Resulted in the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Good afternoon Sen. Edgecomb, Rep. Hickman, and members of the Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Committee. My name is Eliza Donoghue. I am here today on behalf of the 16,000 members and supporters of the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) to speak in support of LD 39, a Resolve, To Require a Review of the Read More
Land Deal Protects Nearly 5,800 Acres in Franklin County
The deal, which was finalized recently between The Trust for Public Land and Linkletter Timberlands, provides public access for recreation – including on two ITS snowmobile trails – while maintaining the land as a working forest. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story A conservation group has finalized a land deal to Read More
Sprague Pond
Sprague Pond, which lies near the main road (Route 209) through Phippsburg, is a spring-fed pond nestled amidst stately oaks, pines, and spruces. Well-worn trails through the woods attest to the pond’s popularity among local residents who come seeking a quiet haven for walking and swimming. The shores of this tranquil pond are completely undeveloped Read More
Learning about Lobsters
I get to do some pretty cool things thanks to my job at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I met Bonnie Raitt at a concert on the eve of the removal of the Edwards Dam. NRCM was invited to work at a Phish concert (how cool is that?!) in Augusta. I met Senator George Read More
Mainers Rally for Land for Maine’s Future
Bipartisan supporters say bond will spur economic growth and conserve natural resources Land Bond Coalition news release AUGUSTA — Heralding the economic benefit of conserving our state’s natural resources, Mainers including fishermen, sportsmen, conservationists, and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle called on the Legislature to replenish the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program Read More
Land For Maine’s Future Bond Will Face Plenty of Competition on Ballot
by Susan Sharon MPBN news story As bonds go, it’s a small one, just $5 million. But supporters of the bond to replenish the Land for Maine’s Future program said it faces an uphill battle even though polls show most voters overwhelmingly support the idea of preserving wildlife habitat and public access. That’s because the Read More