With the gray days we have been seeing lately in Maine, we thought some color would brighten things up! NRCM member David Preston of China Village, Maine, shared his photo, taken this fall, and writes, “I caught and released this amazing male brook trout in full spawning regalia in the Kennebec River. This picture is Read More
Kennebec River
My Maine This Week: Claudia Marshall
“I was visiting with my sister, Patricia Horine, from California and took this photo from her house,” writes new My Maine This Week contributing photographer Claudia Marshall of Half Moon Bay, California. Patricia’s husband, Sam, notes that they had gone out back to the Kennebec River-side lawn in Skowhegan to see the full moon, which Read More
My Maine This Week: Sam Horine
“Last week, my dog, Jack, and I were out for an evening canoe. Jack was getting restless and bouncing around in the front of the canoe when I saw the deer on the bank. The wind started to push us into some driki as I’m getting my phone out of my pocket hoping the deer Read More
Quarantining with Birds & Nature
With our son’s school closed and our offices at the Natural Resources Council of Maine and National Audubon doing the responsible thing of instituting work-at-home policies out of concern about the coronavirus, we have found ourselves thinking about the implications of staying here at our house. We’ve all heard the stories of people being quarantined Read More
My Maine This Week: Bald Eagles by Garrett Noddin
New My Maine This Week photographer Garrett Noddin of Hallowell, Maine, shares his recent photo of not one but FOUR Bald Eagles (three immature and one adult), spotted recently on the Kennebec River in Hallowell. What a sight! Do you have photos of Bald Eagles or other Maine wildlife to share with us? If so, Read More
Explore the Nature of Maine: 60 Years Protecting Special Places
This year, the Natural Resources Council of Maine celebrates 60 years of protecting the nature of Maine. We are making time to pause and reflect on what we have accomplished together: clean air, clean water, and an abundance of special places that provide recreational opportunities that many of us love, like hiking, swimming, paddling, and Read More
20 Years Ago, Edwards Dam Removal Sparked a Movement for Free-flowing Rivers
NRCM Announces Plans for an Educational Display at the Dam Site NRCM news release July 1, 2019 (Augusta, ME) – Alewives, Bald Eagles, and other wildlife continue their inspirational return to the Kennebec River and its tributaries, 20 years after the Edwards Dam was removed here along the banks of Maine’s capital city. The dam’s Read More
My Maine This Week: Beth Comeau
“In celebration of today’s 20th anniversary since the removal of the Edwards Dam in Augusta, I wanted to share these photos. These are two sturgeon jumping out of the Kennebec River right in front of the site of the former Edwards Dam. I remember clearly being on the banks of the river 20 years ago Read More
July 1, 2019: Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Edwards Dam Removal, Augusta
Twenty years ago on Monday, July 1st, hundreds of Mainers stood along the banks of the Kennebec River in Augusta to watch as the Edwards Dam was breached and the river passed through the dam, freely, for the first time in more than 160 years. On the 20th Anniversary of that historic event, we have Read More