Like people around the world, our hearts were broken by the horrific violence against the people of Paris earlier this month. Now, our eyes turn to that great city with hope. Today, world leaders from 190 countries are gathered in Paris, France, for the 21st “Conference of Parties.” Over the next two weeks, these leaders Read More
NRCM Insider
Watch videos and more on the "NRCM Insider," taking you to the frontlines of our work to protect Maine's air, land, and water.
Inside Maine’s Woods
You are used to watching our “Insider” videos from the State House or various other venues where NRCM staff are working each day. We thought this video was a great way to bring you “inside” Maine’s woods. The video is taken by a homemade motion-sensored camera built by NRCM member Bryan Wells. Read more about this video Read More
Man Trapped in Polar Bear Costume
To raise awareness about climate change and to help raise funds to address it, one Natural Resources Council of Maine staffer has vowed to stay in a polar bear costume until NRCM reaches its pledge goals: Help us get him out of that costume! Please support our work for clean energy and efficiency by participating in Read More
NRCM Open Mic Night 2011
The Natural Resources Council of Maine hosted a night of music inspired by the environment May 11, 2011, at the Liberal Cup English-style pub in Hallowell, Maine. Music makers and music lovers enjoyed great music, great food, and great friends. The crowd also learned more about issues NRCM is working on at the State House Read More
NRCM Paddle on Long Pond, Belgrade, Maine
On October 3, 2010, paddling enthusiasts joined NRCM staff for a member paddle on beautiful Long Pond in Belgrade, Maine. The weather was perfect, the foliage was gorgeous, and a Bald Eagle sat for our cameras at Blueberry Island. What a special day. We enjoyed meeting all of you who joined us!
Five Days on the Allagash with the Natural Resources Council of Maine
In May, 2010, members of the Natural Resources Council of Maine joined Executive Director Brownie Carson for five days on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. This video captures fun and adventure in this spectacular piece of Maine’s North Woods. (Produced by Allison Wells)
Sea Lamprey Migration in the Sheepscot River, Maine
NRCM’s Allison Wells and her young son happened upon the sea lamprey migration in the Sheepscot River, Coopers Mills, Maine, and captured this video. The sea lamprey is a native, parasitic fish that has a strange, disc-like mouth that it uses for feeding on the flesh of other fish. It also uses it to grasp Read More
Alewives vs. Culvert Bremen, Maine
Poorly sited and under-sized culverts cause problems for fish and other aquatic creatures all around the state of Maine. Culverts are common in Maine and are used to channel streams under roads at thousands of places throughout the state where roads cross streams. As many as 90% of these prevent fish from moving upstream, something Read More
Maine Maple Sunday: A Great Tradition Worth Protecting
March 28 was Maine Maple Sunday, when sugar houses across the state opened their doors to the public and celebrated this wonderful family-friendly tradition with syrup-making demos, music, and products – maple candy, butter, cookies, pancakes, even maple tea, and of course, syrup. Typically, the season runs from February to late March or early April. Read More