Feeding the 5,000, Portland ME On Friday, October 7, 2016, NRCM was part of a coalition of organizations that hosted Feeding the 5,000, a free, delicious, community meal for thousands of people, sourced entirely from locally gleaned, fresh food that would have otherwise been wasted. This event was designed to increase awareness about address solutions Read More
food waste
Portland is “Connected By Nature”
The City of Portland is developing a well-deserved reputation as one of the most sustainable cities in the nation. This reputation hasn’t happened overnight, or without the help of many of the citizens, businesses, and progressive thinkers in and around Maine’s largest city. A few months ago, the Natural Resources Council of Maine released an Read More
Thirty Acre Farm; Farming and Fermenting to Make Maine More Sustainable
Jane and Simon Frost know full well how valuable old time traditions can be in our new, fast paced world. In addition to owning and operating Thirty Acre Farm in Whitefield, the Frosts are helping to preserve (excuse the pun) the ancient tradition of fermenting food for preservation and health. Fermentation is an amazing, and Read More
“Just Eat It”: My Food Waste Story
One anecdote from the movie really hit home for me: Americans waste so much food that it’s as if we leave the store with several bags of groceries, drop one bag in the parking lot, and keep on walking.
Will a Ban on Food in Landfills Finally Spur Maine to Boost Recycling?
by Christopher Burns, BDN staff Bangor Daily News news story Maine needs to decide what it’s going to do about the food in its waste stream. Food and other organics comprise 43 percent of Maine’s residential waste, more than paper, plastic, glass and metal. Yet, only about 5 percent of organics are composted, leaving much Read More
Waste Not, Want Not
91. That’s the number of times the Empire State Building could have been filled from top to bottom with the amount of food wasted in the United States in 2010. And the problem gets worse every year. United States Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, representing Maine’s First Congressional District, recently unveiled and introduced legislation to tackle this Read More
How We Can Divert Food from Landfills to Cupboards, Food Banks
By Christopher Burns, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story Nothing takes up more space in landfills than food. This isn’t just table scraps and coffee grounds. It’s also whole fruits and vegetables and even canned food, not all of which is unfit to eat. Americans sent a staggering 35 million tons of food to Read More
Stop Wasting Food! Have Your Cake, and Eat It, Too.
As a micro-scale farmer who has put a lot of effort into every vegetable, egg and pork chop I sell, I’ve often thought it an unfortunate side effect of life in the land of plenty that most of us don’t really worry about throwing away food. But we need to start. Food waste may not Read More
Composting Heats Up in Maine
Cities and towns start to realize the value of turning food waste into black gold, and companies vie for the business. By Mary Pols, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUBURN — Inside the steaming rows of piled-up compost at the We Compost It! operation in Auburn is your standard smorgasbord of commercial and Read More