In 2022, NRCM worked with our allies from Community Action Works, the Maine Environmental Priorities Coalition, and Don’t Waste ME, an alliance of impacted community residents and tribal citizens to pass LD 1639. Together, we succeeded in closing a loophole that allowed toxic out-of-state waste to be disposed of in Maine’s State-owned landfill located in Read More
climate change
Why Are My Energy Bills So High? It’s Because of Fossil Fuels.
Since the fall, we’ve seen the consequences of our continued dependence on oil and gas here in Maine: Heating oil and utility gas prices have spiked, becoming unaffordable for too many Maine people. The New England grid’s reliance on expensive natural gas caused electricity prices to nearly double this winter. And now Putin’s war in Read More
Melt, Renewal, and Bogs — Maybe March Has Its Merit
For most of my quarter-century in Maine, March has been my least favorite month. Unpredictable weather conditions, slushy roads, mud everywhere, and hardly a touch of green make for a grueling 31 days as we wait for flowers to poke through. The ski season is coming to a close, the snow is rapidly disappearing, and Read More
Color of Climate: Amplifying the Voices of Youth from Diverse Backgrounds in Maine
Idey Abdi Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to leave Maine. I thought it lacked diversity and there were not a lot of activities to do. I never got to go on family vacations or explore the beautiful state. Last summer, I got to go on a three-day trip to Acadia National Read More
Support of LD 2003, An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions
Senator Daughtry, Representative Sylvester, Members of the Labor and Housing Committee. My name is Jack Shapiro, I’m the Climate and Clean Energy Program Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, and I’m here to testify in support of LD 2003, An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Read More
Why Increasing Housing Opportunities is Good for the Climate
Close your eyes, and think about what climate and clean energy policy looks like. When we picture climate action, we often think of things like solar panels or electric vehicles. Rightly so, since clean energy and electrifying our transportation system are critically important to hitting our climate goals. But climate action goes way beyond wind Read More
LD 1959, Ensure Transmission & Distribution Utility Accountability
Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Technology, my name is Rebecca Schultz. I am the Senior Advocate for Climate and Clean Energy for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am testifying in support of LD 1959, with suggested changes to strengthen the legislation. We believe Read More
It All Boils Down to Climate Change
Maine winters are long. The sweetest light at the end of the tunnel for some is sugaring season, that short stretch of time just before spring when the winter temps rise to above freezing during the day and into the 20s at night, and the sap flows from the maple trees. Since 2017, my husband Read More
Smart Funding Decisions Needed to Build a Climate-friendly Transportation System for Maine
Maine’s transportation system is largely focused on moving cars quickly from point A to point B. But this focus risks missing the point entirely—and serves to create congestion, cost, and carbon pollution. If we are to meet the challenge of the climate crisis, Maine needs to deliver healthier, more affordable and accessible transportation options Read More