By Alex Acquisto The Forecaster news story SOUTH PORTLAND — A single-use bag fee and ban on polystyrene in the city seem increasingly likely after Monday night’s City Council workshop. How similar the ordinance language should be to Portland’s, and whether to go beyond the limits of that ordinance, remains to be decided. The question Read More
Casco Bay
South Portland Councilors Favor Ban on Pesticide Use
With no formal ordinance proposed, Protect South Portland is campaigning for more organic approaches. By Kelley Bouchard, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story SOUTH PORTLAND — The City Council showed strong support Monday night for a new community campaign to ban the use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers in the city. Protect South Read More
Complaints Few as Portland Adapts to Plastic Bag Fee
Some store owners are surprised by how many shoppers remember to bring their reusable bags. By Randy Billings and Beth Quimby, Staff Writers Portland Press Herald news story Store owners are required by a city ordinance, enacted by the City Council last June, to post a sign informing customers about the fee and itemize the Read More
Portland Kicks Off Initiatives to Tackle Waste, Litter, Ocean Pollution
April 15 ends the era of foam packaging and free disposable bags NRCM news release Today, Portland city officials, residents, conservationists, store managers, and sustainability experts gathered at Portland City Hall to bring attention to the City’s two new anti-waste initiatives that begin April 15, 2015: a ban on foam packaging and a 5-cent fee Read More
South Portland Seeks Dismissal of Suit Challenging Ban on Oil Loading in Harbor
It argues that Portland Pipe Line can’t claim damages when it says it has no plans to move tar sands crude from Canada to the city’s waterfront. By Kelley Bouchard, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story SOUTH PORTLAND — The city has asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit by the Portland Pipe Read More
NRCM Testimony on Three Single-use Plastic Disposable Bag Bills
NRCM Testimony Regarding: An Act To Strengthen Recycling of Single-use Plastic Shopping Bags (LD 325); An Act To Encourage the Use of Alternatives to Single-use Plastic Disposable Bags (LD 396); and An Act To Reduce Waste from Disposable Bags (LD 680) Senator Saviello, Representative Welsh, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Read More
Support of LD 468, An Act to Prohibit the Use of Certain Disposable or Polystyrene Food Service Containers
Senator Saviello, Representative Welsh, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Sarah Lakeman and I am the Sustainable Maine Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I appreciate this opportunity to testify on LD 468. NRCM believes that a strong case can be made for Read More
South Portland Hires Boston Law Firm to Defend Clear Skies Ordinance
by Alex Acquisto, The Forecaster staff The Forecaster news story SOUTH PORTLAND — The Boston law firm Foley Hoag will defend the city against a lawsuit filed last month by Portland Pipe Line Corp. The City Council, as expected, unanimously approved the hiring Monday night. In the nine-count lawsuit, Portland Pipe Line and American Waterways Read More
A Different View of the Dip & Dash
I have been one of the people who has attended each of NRCM’s seven polar plunges on East End Beach in Portland. I was there when about a dozen people raced into the icy cold Atlantic to kick off NRCM’s 50th anniversary year in 2009, and I was there for this past event when more Read More