When we think of Evening Grosbeaks, we remember the hordes of them gorging themselves at the double-decker platform feeder at a former family home in Winthrop. We’d watch from the large living room window as the plump golden, black, and white orbs chomped through gobs of sunflower seeds with their enormous bills. Sometimes the flocks Read More
Puffins and a Purposeful Person
Many people think of Dr. Steve Kress as “the puffin man.” He’s widely revered for reestablishing puffin colonies to the coast of Maine, and rightly so. But when it comes to bird conservation, Steve is much more than that. We first met Steve when we were graduate students at Cornell University years ago. (Interestingly, Steve Read More
My Maine This Week: Roger Leisner
Roger Leisner of Augusta, Maine, is a new My Maine This Week photographer, but definitely not new to photography! Roger has photographed Maine people, places, and events for many years. We are glad to have Roger’s photo as this week’s feature. Roger entered this photo into the contest at the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Read More
New Mind-blowing Tool Unveils the Secrets of Bird Migrations
During migration, birds mysteriously come and go—the sudden appearance of ducks in the bay or at your local pond. Maybe you’ve noticed a warbler or sparrow flitting about in the backyard shrubbery that you hadn’t seen the day before—or maybe even for weeks or months? Maybe you wondered where it was headed next? Perhaps you Read More
“What’s Up with the Bald Birds?”
The MaineBirds listserv recently received posts from people in Liberty and Camden who have been seeing bald birds around their yards. Such sightings harken us back to our days at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where questions about birds with featherless heads ranked high on the list of FAQs from our members and the public. Read More
NRCM Staff Share Apps to Help You Explore Maine’s Outdoors
Looking for ways to explore and learn more about Maine’s environment? Check out these NRCM staff picks! If you have other apps you use, please share them with us at nrcm@nrcm.org. LEAF SNAP: Abben Maguire (Administrative Assistant/Accounts Payable Coordinator) uses this handy plant ID app to identify mushrooms, plants, flowers, and more! Fun fact he learned from the Read More
Learn to Talk Bird with Five Easy Wild Bird Sound Imitations
The tools now available to help us all learn more about the birds in our area are incredible. Apps like Merlin, for example, allow you to “aim and ID” bird vocalizations. But if you want to remember who the avian songsters are when and wherever you hear them, one of the best learning strategies is Read More
Avian Flu and Maine Birds
As we’ve been talking to friends and meeting fellow birders along the trails, two words seem to be making it into our conversations: avian flu. While we humans have been dealing with the tragic implications of COVID-19, birds have been dealing with their own deadly virus. It’s called Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). For more Read More
My Maine This Week: Kelly Magalis
Many of you may have read about rare sightings of a Summer Tanager in Biddeford Pool and other areas around Maine recently. Well, we are very happy to be able to share these photos of the bird. Kelly Magalis of Brunswick, Maine, shares her photos of a molting Summer Tanager that she spotted in late Read More