So far, 211 mayors representing 54 million Americans have joined the network, which pledges to uphold the goals of the worldwide agreement from which President Trump will withdraw. from staff report Portland Press Herald news story Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling announced Monday that Maine’s largest city will join the so-called Climate Mayors network in support Read More
air pollution
My Thoughts on Tragic Trump Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement
President Trump’s decision to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement is a devastating blow to the nation and the planet, and could have dire consequences for the state of Maine. Just 18 months ago, the U.S. provided critical leadership in securing support from 194 other nations to participate in this voluntary action Read More
Trump Decision to Pull U.S. Out of Global Climate Agreement Deals a Devastating Blow to Maine and the Planet
Statement of Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “President Trump’s announcement that he will remove the United States from the historic and vital Global Climate Agreement is a devastating blow that could jeopardize global efforts to avert the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. “Pulling out of this agreement puts the U.S. Read More
Unprecedented EPA Budget Cuts Would Harm the Health of Maine’s Environment, Economy, and People
News Release Brewer, Maine — The White House this week released a budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2018 that would slash Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) programs that reduce pollution in Maine, save the lives of Maine people, and strengthen our communities and economy. The proposal singles out EPA for the deepest cuts of any federal Read More
Opposition to LD 1226, An Act to Keep Maine’s Transportation Infrastructure Safe by Providing More Sources of Revenue for the Highway Fund
Senator Ron Collins, Chair Representative Andrew McLean, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Transportation My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM.) Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM strongly opposes this legislation, which would undermine Maine’s ability to reduce our Read More
President Trump Issues Executive Order Denying Climate Science
Statement by NRCM Executive Director Lisa Pohlmann “President Trump’s Executive Order today rolls back years of climate progress and takes us completely in the wrong direction. His denial of climate science is unconscionable. Today he has put his climate denial into action by attacking the safeguards that protect the health of America’s families. “In the Read More
Maine Environmentalists Oppose President Trump’s Budget, Policies
Maine environmentalists are up in arms over proposals by President Donald Trump to slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency and pare fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks. by Steve Collins, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story Lisa Pohlmann, executive director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, said Thursday that the president “has declared Read More
Trump EPA Budget “Declares War on Clean Air, Clean Water, and Public Health,” Statement by NRCM
Statement of Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “President Trump today released an irresponsible EPA budget that threatens the health of Maine people, our environment, and our economy. In proposing to cut EPA’s funding by 31% and personnel by 3,200, and eliminate more than 50 programs, President Trump has declared war on Read More
Trump’s Attack on Cleaner Cars Will Harm Maine, Statement by NRCM
Statement of Dylan Voorhees, Climate & Clean Energy Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “President Trump has proposed rolling back pollution and efficiency standards for new cars and trucks. This would be bad news for Maine. “Since Maine has one of the highest asthma rates in the nation, air pollution is a big issue. And Read More