Testimony in Opposition to LD 718, An Act To Increase the Beneficial Reuse of Construction and Demolition Debris Senator Brenner, Representative Gramlich, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Sarah Nichols, and I am the Sustainable Maine Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I Read More
Recycling and Product Stewardship
Maine has long championed Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) or "product stewardship" laws because they have proven effective at saving taxpayers money, reducing waste, and protecting our environment. Traditional recycling programs are run and funded by municipal governments. EPR programs shift the costs of dealing with difficult and dangerous items to the corporations and manufacturers who make and sell their products in Maine.
Emergency Bill to Rescue Local Redemption Centers Passes
An emergency bill that would provide immediate financial relief to struggling redemption centers has been approved by the Maine Legislature and is heading to Governor Mills’ desk. Redemption center owners and environmental groups were urging lawmakers to quickly pass LD 134 with the two-thirds vote necessary for it to be implemented right away. They Read More
LD 1171, Raise Funding to Support Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, and Composting
Testimony Neither for Nor Against LD 1171, An Act to Raise Funding to Support Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling and Composting in Maine Senator Brenner, Representative Gramlich, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Sarah Nichols, and I am the Sustainable Maine Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine Read More
LD 846, An Act to Require Direct Wine Shippers to Comply with Maine Beverage Law
Testimony in Support of LD 846, An Act to Require Direct Wine Shippers to Comply with Maine Beverage Law Senator Hickman, Representative Supica, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs, my name is Sarah Nichols, and I am the Sustainable Maine Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I appreciate Read More
Tackling Electronic Waste in Maine
Every day, our team of 16 employees works to keep unwanted electronics out of Maine’s landfills. Our work is important because while electronic waste (computers, televisions, printers, cell phones, etc.) comprises just 2-4% of landfill waste, it accounts for 90% of the harmful chemicals and heavy metals that end up in the ground, the air Read More
New Law Will Close Out-of-state Waste Loophole
Don’t Waste ME | Community Action Works | Natural Resources Council of Maine news release A bill to stop filling Maine’s State-owned Juniper Ridge Landfill with out-of-state waste was signed into law yesterday by Governor Janet Mills. LD 1639 will close a loophole in the state’s waste laws that had allowed private corporations to import construction Read More
Debunking Claims Made by Companies Profiting Off Maine’s Out-of-state Waste Loophole
This legislative session, a bill (LD 1639) that would close Maine’s out-of-state waste loophole is gaining momentum. You see, Maine’s State-owned Juniper Ridge Landfill (JRL) was never supposed to accept out-of-state waste, and there is no good reason why it should. The State purchased the landfill to provide disposal capacity for Mainers’ waste, not the Read More
New Maine Law Will Shift Recycling Costs to Producers of Packaging Waste
EPR for Packaging Will Save Taxpayer Money and Improve Recycling News release Maine has joined more than 40 jurisdictions around the world to require companies that create packaging waste help pay for the costs of recycling. It becomes the first state in the nation to pass an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging law (LD 1541) Read More
Explainer: How Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Will Benefit Maine
Maine is the first state in the nation to hold big corporations and brands accountable for the plastic waste and packaging they have created. Our new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging law (LD 1541) will increase recycling rates, reduce packaging pollution, and save taxpayers money. This is a very big deal, folks. And not because we’re the first, but because it Read More