By Alex Acquisto The Forecaster news story SOUTH PORTLAND — A single-use bag fee and ban on polystyrene in the city seem increasingly likely after Monday night’s City Council workshop. How similar the ordinance language should be to Portland’s, and whether to go beyond the limits of that ordinance, remains to be decided. The question Read More
Plastic Pollution
NRCM is working hard to bring plastic pollution solutions to Maine. Together, we can reduce Maine’s impact on this catastrophic global problem and provide inspiration for others around the world.
Plastic pollution in Maine is a more devastating problem than you may think. Plastic is present throughout the environment everywhere on earth. Maine is no exception. Plastic is polluting our waterways, coastlines, forests, and open spaces, choking wildlife, and making its way into the food web.
The sources of plastic pollution in Maine are unnervingly diverse, and the flow of plastic into the environment is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, it is increasing. The amount of plastic litter we can see is astounding, but even more worrisome is the staggering amount of plastic pollution we cannot see—so-called microplastic. A growing body of evidence is revealing plastic pollution’s devastating impact on our health and the environment.
Group Holds Bag Making Party to Promote Plastic Bag Ban
Selectmen to hold July 27 public hearing on proposed ordinance Seacoast Online news story YORK, Maine — To help raise awareness of the negative impact plastic bags have on the environment, Bring York Own Bag York held a T-shirt bag making party Wednesday. Using new or old T-shirts, individuals created sturdy, easy to make and Read More
Midcoast Communities Push Back against Plastic Bag Use
A petition effort is underway in Brunswick and Topsham to impose a 5-cent tax on all carryout plastic bags issued by businesses. By Chris Chase, Coastal Journal Portland Press Herald news story BRUNSWICK — Bring Your Own Bag, a citizens’ group, is preparing petitions to impose a 5-cent tax on every plastic bag issued to customers Read More
Complaints Few as Portland Adapts to Plastic Bag Fee
Some store owners are surprised by how many shoppers remember to bring their reusable bags. By Randy Billings and Beth Quimby, Staff Writers Portland Press Herald news story Store owners are required by a city ordinance, enacted by the City Council last June, to post a sign informing customers about the fee and itemize the Read More
Freeport Council Moves Closer to Ban or Fee on Disposable Bags
The limits of such a measure are likely to be complex for a town famous for outlets and L.L. Bean. By Matt Byrne, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story The Freeport Town Council voted unanimously Tuesday to pursue an ordinance to ban or impose a fee on single-use bags as part of an effort Read More
Maine Lawmakers Hear Opposing Arguments on Bills to Charge for Disposable Bags
Supporters of three similar proposals say they reduce waste and pollution, while opponents say they add a burden on consumers and retailers. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Lawmakers heard lengthy testimony Monday on bills that would make Maine the latest state to charge consumers for disposable plastic bags. Read More
NRCM Testimony on Three Single-use Plastic Disposable Bag Bills
NRCM Testimony Regarding: An Act To Strengthen Recycling of Single-use Plastic Shopping Bags (LD 325); An Act To Encourage the Use of Alternatives to Single-use Plastic Disposable Bags (LD 396); and An Act To Reduce Waste from Disposable Bags (LD 680) Senator Saviello, Representative Welsh, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Read More
Portland Set to Carry Out Disposable-bag Fees, Polystyrene Foam Ban
Grocers and other businesses get prepared, with two ‘green packaging’ policies passed by city councilors last June scheduled to take effect April 15. By Eric Russell and Kevin Miller, Staff Writers Portland Press Herald news story Portland businesses are phasing out foam containers and gearing up to charge customers a nickel for disposable shopping bags Read More
Support of LD 468, An Act to Prohibit the Use of Certain Disposable or Polystyrene Food Service Containers
Senator Saviello, Representative Welsh, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Sarah Lakeman and I am the Sustainable Maine Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I appreciate this opportunity to testify on LD 468. NRCM believes that a strong case can be made for Read More