A poll conducted two weeks ago by Portland-based Critical Insights shows that Maine voters overwhelming oppose specific environmental rollback proposals now before the Maine Legislature, including efforts to weaken shoreland zoning, the bottle bill, and Maine’s energy building code. The survey finds that Maine voters place a high priority on protecting our land, water and air; Read More
Our vision of sustainability in Maine is ensuring a healthy future for life on Earth. Maine’s clean and healthy environment strengthens the state’s economy and is central to our way of life. Holding polluting corporations accountable through systemic changes in local, state, and federal policies is the key to creating a more healthy, prosperous, sustainable future for us all.
Opposition to LD 1324, An Act to Create Consistency and Fairness in Maine’s Bottle Bill and LD 1417, An Act To Exempt Wine Bottles from Maine’s Container Redemption System
Senator Saviello, Representative Hamper and members of the Committee. My name is Matt Prindiville, and I’m the Clean Production Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). I’m also here representing the Container Recycling Institute, a national nonprofit organization that studies and promotes policies that increase recycling of beverage containers and packaging. NRCM Read More
Maine Voters Oppose Environmental Rollbacks
New Poll Shows Strong Support for Environmental Laws NRCM news release A poll conducted two weeks ago by Portland-based Critical Insights shows that Maine voters overwhelming oppose specific environmental rollback proposals now before the Maine Legislature, including efforts to weaken shoreland zoning, the bottle bill, and Maine’s energy building code. The survey finds that Maine voters Read More
Chemical Industry Drafted Bill to Modify Maine’s Kids Safe Act
by Susan Sharon MPBN radio news story The sponsor of a bill that environmentalists say would dramatically weaken Maine’s Kid Safe Products Act acknowledged today that the chemical industry drafted the language. Republican Rep. Jim Hamper says the proposed reforms are necessary to improve the act, which he thinks is overly broad and creates uncertainty Read More
NRCM Responds to Gov. LePage’s “Callous Disregard for the Health of Women and Children”
NRCM news release Governor LePage’s comment about his opposition to the ban on the toxic chemical BPA (Bisphenol-A): “The only thing that I’ve heard is if you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and you heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen. So the worst case is Read More
Maine Governor’s Bisphenol-A Remark Draws Rebukes
by Susan Sharon MPBN radio news story Recent remarks by Gov. Paul LePage about what he perceives as a lack of science surrounding the chemical bisphenol A and its role as a hormone disruptor is once again making headlines around the country and generating a strong and critical response from environmental and health policy groups. Read More
The Joys of a Maine Winter!
These cold January days have not deterred me from enjoying Maine’s outdoors. Those of us who love to fish in Maine can’t stay idle waiting for spring to wet our fly lines. Instead, we bundle up and explore Maine’s lakes and rivers—through the ice. Last weekend, I finally got a chance to get out on Read More
Maine BEP Adopts Toxic BPA Rule
Board of Environmental Protection Votes to Replace BPA in Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups NRCM Statement Today, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) took a significant step forward to protect Maine families from the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). Today BEP voted to 1) designate BPA as a priority toxic chemical; 2) restrict its use Read More
Maine’s Young Men Speak Out Against Toxic Chemicals
Lawmakers Urged to Act on Concerns over Testicular Cancer, Lower Sperm Counts, and Altered Genital Development NRCM/Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine (PORTLAND) There is a growing awareness of the effects of toxic chemicals on Maine’s young men, especially those who want to start a family some day. But talking about testicular cancer and Read More