Maine’s clean and healthy environment strengthens the state’s economy and is central to our way of life. Holding polluting corporations accountable through systemic changes in local, state, and federal policies is the key to creating a more healthy, prosperous, sustainable future for us all.
NRCM’s Sustainable Maine program takes a practical, collaborative approach to solving environmental problems faced by Maine people and communities, particularly with how to better prevent and manage waste. We want to make doing the right thing for people and the environment the easy, clear choice for individuals and businesses.
Our vision of sustainability in Maine is ensuring a healthy future for life on Earth. Unfortunately, polluting corporations continue to ignore what is right for the environment at the expense of people’s health. Instead, they spend big money to try to convince people that it’s an individual’s responsibility to act, not theirs. But we are onto them.
The fossil fuel industry knows our clean energy transition is underway, so to keep their profits flowing, they are ramping up production of single-use plastics. We cannot allow this to happen. At every stage of the life cycle for plastics — from production to disposal — there are significant human health impacts, and they disproportionately affect economically and socially disadvantaged people.
Many of us feel guilty that we still rely on gasoline-powered cars, and we can’t seem to avoid wasteful packaging despite our best efforts—but it’s not our fault as individuals. In the State House, in schools, and in our communities, NRCM works with local businesses, municipalities, and Maine people to galvanize support for solutions that require corporations be a part of solving the problem and make it easier to reduce waste and pollution.
Learn more about our Sustainable Maine program priorities and how you can help on the pages below.

Support of LD 1156, An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Recycling of Televisions
by Matt Prindiville, NRCM Toxics Project Director Good afternoon Senator Goodall, Representative Duchesne and members of the Natural Resources Committee. My name is Matt Prindiville, and I’m the Clean Production Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s leading, membership-supported environmental advocacy organization. We represent over 12,000 members and supporters Read More

Support of LD 973, An Act to Provide for the Safe Collection and Recycling of Mercury Containing Light Bulbs
by Matt Prindiville, NRCM Toxics Project Director Senator Goodall, Representative Duchesne and members of the Natural Resources Committee. My name is Matt Prindiville, and I’m the Clean Production Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. We strongly support LD 973, and we thank Representative Berry for bringing this bill to the attention of Read More

Support of LD 1032, An Act to Ensure that Maine’s Electronic Waste Collection and Recycling System is Self Funded
by Matt Prindiville, NRCM Toxics Project Director Senator Goodall, Representative Duchesne and members of the Natural Resources Committee. My name is Matt Prindiville, and I’m the Clean Production Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s leading, membership-supported environmental advocacy organization. We represent over 12,000 members and supporters and promote Read More

Maine’s Electronic Waste Recycling Law Huge Success
Collects 8 Million Pounds of Waste, Saves Mainers $3 Million, Keeps 1 Million Pounds of Lead from Environment The Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) released a report detailing the accomplishments of Maine’s two-year-old, first-in-the-nation electronic waste recycling program that requires manufacturers to establish and pay for collection and recycling centers. “By any measure, Maine’s Read More

Maine Parents Demand Action on Toxins in Baby Bottles
New Study Shows Bottles Leach Dangerous Chemical When Heated Press Release from the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine On Thursday, Maine health and environmental organizations released a national study of baby bottles tested for the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). Bottles from across the United States and Canada, including one bottle purchased in Topsham, Read More

Chemicals in Household Products Often Unsafe or Untested
New Study Reveals Pollution in Maine People, Urges Action by Lawmakers by the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine The chemical industry and government safety systems came under fire on Tuesday as medical professionals, sponsors, and participants gathered at the State House to talk about the results of a study on the pollution found Read More

Maine Legislature Votes to Ban Toxic Deca Flame Retardant
News release Today the Maine Senate voted 29-5 (with one abstention) to support LD 1658, a bill that would phase out the toxic flame retardant known as “deca,” in favor of safer alternatives. The bill, An Act to Protect Pregnant Women and Children from Toxic Chemicals Released into the Home, sponsored by Representative Hannah Pingree Read More

Support of LD 1657, Support and Enhance Maine’s Beverage Container Recycling Laws and Household Hazardous Waste Collection
by Matt Prindiville, NRCM Toxics Policy Advocate Good morning Senator Bromley, Representative Smith and Members of the Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development. My name is Matt Prindiville. I am the Toxics Policy Advocate for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM is Maine’s leading, membership-supported environmental advocacy organization. We represent over 10,000 Read More

Mercury “Hot Spots” Found
By Lindsay Tice, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story The upper Androscoggin and upper Kennebec rivers are “hot spots” for mercury pollution, according to two studies published this month in BioScience, a peer-review journal. The studies identified five northeastern regions with high mercury levels in fish and birds. The hot spots include the Adirondack Mountain Read More