Maine’s clean and healthy environment strengthens the state’s economy and is central to our way of life. Holding polluting corporations accountable through systemic changes in local, state, and federal policies is the key to creating a more healthy, prosperous, sustainable future for us all.
NRCM’s Sustainable Maine program takes a practical, collaborative approach to solving environmental problems faced by Maine people and communities, particularly with how to better prevent and manage waste. We want to make doing the right thing for people and the environment the easy, clear choice for individuals and businesses.
Our vision of sustainability in Maine is ensuring a healthy future for life on Earth. Unfortunately, polluting corporations continue to ignore what is right for the environment at the expense of people’s health. Instead, they spend big money to try to convince people that it’s an individual’s responsibility to act, not theirs. But we are onto them.
The fossil fuel industry knows our clean energy transition is underway, so to keep their profits flowing, they are ramping up production of single-use plastics. We cannot allow this to happen. At every stage of the life cycle for plastics — from production to disposal — there are significant human health impacts, and they disproportionately affect economically and socially disadvantaged people.
Many of us feel guilty that we still rely on gasoline-powered cars, and we can’t seem to avoid wasteful packaging despite our best efforts—but it’s not our fault as individuals. In the State House, in schools, and in our communities, NRCM works with local businesses, municipalities, and Maine people to galvanize support for solutions that require corporations be a part of solving the problem and make it easier to reduce waste and pollution.
Learn more about our Sustainable Maine program priorities and how you can help on the pages below.
Support of LD 1308, An Act to Establish a Stewardship Program for Architectural Paint
Good afternoon Senator Boyle, Representative Welsh, and distinguished members of the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. My name is Abby King, I am the Toxics Policy Advocate with the Natural Resources Council of Maine and I am here to testify in support of LD 1308. This bill provides a proven solution to the Read More
Support of LD 1335, An Act to Implement Recommendations of DEP Concerning Product Stewardship
Good afternoon Senator Boyle, Representative Welsh, and distinguished members of the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. My name is Abby King; I am the Toxics Policy Advocate with the Natural Resources Council of Maine. NRCM strongly supported the product stewardship framework bill approved by the Legislature and enacted into law in 2010, and Read More
Leftover Paint Waste Target of Maine Bill
Maine Public news story More than 70 million gallons of discarded household paint wind up in the nation’s landfills each year, and untold gallons more remain stored away in attics, basements and garages in sticky, dented containers. About 10 percent of all paint sold is wasted, and many homeowners don’t know what to do with Read More
When Talking Trash, We Should Put Disposal Programs in the Mix
Michael Boardman Portland Press Herald opinion piece PORTLAND – If there’s one topic that keeps popping up in the national news, it’s what to do with our trash. Americans produce more waste than any other country, more than half of which is residential garbage. Some of this garbage is in the form of household hazardous Read More
Maine Strong on Mercury Thermostat Recycling
New Maine Times news story A new report released this week shows that Maine’s program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the environment, out-performing almost every other state in the nation. In most other states, weaker laws have spelled failure for the thermostat-recycling program, says the Read More
Support of LD 902, Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 882: Designation of BPA as a Priority Chemical
Senator Boyle, Representative Welsh, and Members of the Joint Select Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. My name is Abby King and I am the Toxics Policy Advocate with the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am a resident of Brunswick. I am here to testify in support of LD 902. These rules are before Read More
New Report Reveals Success of Product Stewardship in Maine
Payments for Recycled Thermostats Make Maine a Leading State Program NRCM Press Release A new report released today by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, Multi-state Mercury Products Campaign (MMPC), and Product Stewardship Institute, shows that Maine’s manufacturer-run program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the Read More
New Legislation Calls for Action to Protect Kids from the Most Dangerous Chemicals
Bill would also close loopholes holding up BPA-free food protections for older children and pregnant women (AUGUSTA) Last year, Maine named 49 Chemicals of High Concern, a list that identifies chemicals proven through strong, scientific evidence to cause cancer, reproductive problems, and hormone disruption. But no action has been proposed to reduce exposure to these Read More
Support of Chapter 882, Citizen Initiated Petition to Prohibit the Sale of Certain Children’s Products Containing BPA
Chairwoman Lessard and members of the Board of Environmental Protection, I am Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine. NRCM represents over 12,000 members and supporters from all corners of the State and many of them have interacted directly with us about the issue of BPA. I am here today to Read More