NRCM works to protect Maine’s natural areas and wild, undeveloped character, particularly in the North Woods. We support responsible land development and sustainable forest practices that protect sensitive ecosystems and wildlife. We work for increased public ownership of Maine lands, so future generations will know the Maine we love today.
Protection of Maine’s natural, remote areas was one of the issues for which NRCM was founded in 1959. More than 60 years later, much progress has been made but major threats to Maine’s land and water resources continue.
With our coalition partners, NRCM has won many significant victories over the years, from helping establish the Allagash Wilderness Waterway to passage of legislation limiting irresponsible clear cuts. But the challenges of protecting Maine’s treasured wildlands and the wildlife that depend upon them have never been greater, nor the need more urgent.
We worked to establish a National Monument just east of Baxter State Park and continue our work to push for Land for Maine’s Future funding to acquire public lands, watchdog Maine’s public lands and the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, stop the ill-conceived East-West Highway from being built, weigh-in when harmful development is proposed in Maine’s North Woods, and ensure that any timber harvesting laws and policies are as protective as possible.
More than one-third of the state has changed ownership in the past 20 years. Corporations that have no stake in our local communities are buying up hundreds of thousands of acres. Slicing and dicing these natural areas can destroy the character of Maine’s North Woods forever.
This loss would affect not only the people of Maine but also our wildlife. The region is home to moose, bear, deer, and dozens of bird species—Boreal Chickadee, Spruce Grouse, Pine Grosbeak, Cape May Warbler, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher—for which the North Woods are the southernmost limit of their breeding range. Maine’s North Woods also provide many recreational opportunities for Maine people. Unchecked development threatens access to undeveloped, wild forests, lakes, and rivers for hiking, canoeing, camping, hunting and fishing.
While development pressures and the loss of public access continue to intensify, NRCM remains a voice for balancing economic development in Maine’s North Woods with conservation.
We invite you to learn more about our work to protect Maine’s North Woods and other natural areas, and to support our vital work for generations to come.

Why the Katahdin Region Needs a National Park
by Georgia Manzo, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed Imagine reading this: “As you consider settling in the Katahdin region, establishing a business and starting your family here, did you know that we have a thriving hospital, a newly renovated municipal airport and a strengthened school system, as well as both a state Read More

New Report Highlights Tar Sands Threat to Migratory Birds
Interior Department Must Declare Canada is Undermining International Wildlife Protections News Release Destructive mining and drilling practices in the heart of Canada’s boreal forest—a huge and important bird nursery—are putting millions of America’s migratory birds at risk and have already resulted in potentially hundreds of thousands of fatalities, according to an issue brief released today Read More

Naked Guy and Other Abuses Cause Landowner to Post Her Land
By George Smith, Maine Woods blog post Bangor Daily News After posting three columns about the sad state of landowner relations in Maine, it’s time to start telling the stories of some long-suffering private landowners. After reading the initial columns in this series on landowner relations, Pam Wells emailed me her story. Pam and her Read More

Matagamon to Medway – Four Days on the East Branch of the Penobscot River: July 4-7, 2013
The East Branch of the Penobscot River is one of Maine’s best kept paddling secrets. The river descends through spectacular scenery in a remote region east of Baxter State Park with imposing waterfalls and demanding rapids, interspersed with flat stretches of prime wildlife habitat. Much of the land along the river is owned by Elliotsville Read More

Fishing, Fiddleheads, and a Flat Tire: My Family’s Favorite Escape, Maine’s North Woods
Every year, I pack the car with groceries, Northern Maine guide books, fishing poles, life jackets, bikes…oh, and kids! Then our family of four heads a few hours north to our favorite place on earth to be together—the rustic cabins found at the Last Resort in Jackman, Maine. There is so much to love about Read More

Veto of Lake Protection Bill Threatens Maine’s Lakes
NRCM Statement by Advocacy Director Pete Didisheim “Governor LePage today vetoed a bill that would protect one of Maine’s most important natural resources, our 6,000 lakes and ponds that are cherished by Maine people and visitors who come to Maine from around the world. This veto is an insult to the thousands of Maine people Read More

Environmentalists, Energy Firms Spar Over LePage’s Bill to Increase Timber Harvest
By Mario Moretto, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — Environmentalists and energy companies are lining up on opposite sides of a bill by Gov. Paul LePage to increase the state’s timber harvest and use the new revenue to pay for residential energy efficiency programs. The plan would slowly increase the public Read More

NRCM Testimony in Opposition to LD 1838, An Act To Expand Affordable Heating Investments with Maine’s Public Resources
Good afternoon Senator Vitelli, Representative Dill, and members of the Committee. My name is Cathy Johnson. I am a resident of Alna. I am testifying today on behalf of NRCM’s 16,000 members and supporters in opposition to L.D. 1838. We oppose this legislation because it undermines the integrity of the public lands trust fund by Read More

LePage: Cut Down More Public Trees to Pay for Heating Efficiency Programs.
The governor said that heat pumps, not solar rebates, are key to the state’s energy future. By Matt Byrne, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story Gov. Paul LePage and officials at the state energy office announced plans Tuesday to increase logging on public lands and use the new revenue to help Mainers convert inefficient Read More
Banner photo: Moose near Baxter State Park, by Gerard Monteux