NRCM works to protect Maine’s natural areas and wild, undeveloped character, particularly in the North Woods. We support responsible land development and sustainable forest practices that protect sensitive ecosystems and wildlife. We work for increased public ownership of Maine lands, so future generations will know the Maine we love today.
Protection of Maine’s natural, remote areas was one of the issues for which NRCM was founded in 1959. More than 60 years later, much progress has been made but major threats to Maine’s land and water resources continue.
With our coalition partners, NRCM has won many significant victories over the years, from helping establish the Allagash Wilderness Waterway to passage of legislation limiting irresponsible clear cuts. But the challenges of protecting Maine’s treasured wildlands and the wildlife that depend upon them have never been greater, nor the need more urgent.
We worked to establish a National Monument just east of Baxter State Park and continue our work to push for Land for Maine’s Future funding to acquire public lands, watchdog Maine’s public lands and the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, stop the ill-conceived East-West Highway from being built, weigh-in when harmful development is proposed in Maine’s North Woods, and ensure that any timber harvesting laws and policies are as protective as possible.
More than one-third of the state has changed ownership in the past 20 years. Corporations that have no stake in our local communities are buying up hundreds of thousands of acres. Slicing and dicing these natural areas can destroy the character of Maine’s North Woods forever.
This loss would affect not only the people of Maine but also our wildlife. The region is home to moose, bear, deer, and dozens of bird species—Boreal Chickadee, Spruce Grouse, Pine Grosbeak, Cape May Warbler, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher—for which the North Woods are the southernmost limit of their breeding range. Maine’s North Woods also provide many recreational opportunities for Maine people. Unchecked development threatens access to undeveloped, wild forests, lakes, and rivers for hiking, canoeing, camping, hunting and fishing.
While development pressures and the loss of public access continue to intensify, NRCM remains a voice for balancing economic development in Maine’s North Woods with conservation.
We invite you to learn more about our work to protect Maine’s North Woods and other natural areas, and to support our vital work for generations to come.

Lawmakers Must Hold Firm to Put Land for Maine’s Future Back on Track
Bangor Daily News editorial Lawmakers have taken strong stands on two important issues in recent weeks, pushing back against an obstinate governor to put two programs — Land for Maine’s Future and Efficiency Maine — back on track. We’d like to see lawmakers continue to stand firm against a governor who is demonstrating no interest Read More

Nostalgia Isn’t an Economic Development Plan for the Katahdin Region
By Avern Danforth, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed We need a serious conversation about jobs and how we can create more of them, particularly in northern Maine. The numbers speak for themselves. In communities such as East Millinocket, Millinocket, Medway and Stacyville, the unemployment rate is two or three times the state Read More

Bill Passed by House and Senate would Force LePage to Sell Conservation Bonds
The bill, sponsored by a Republican senator, is a response to the governor’s decision to withhold bonds from a state conservation program as leverage with lawmakers. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — A bill that would force Gov. Paul LePage to sell voter-approved bonds received strong bipartisan support in Read More

Legislature Gives Veto-proof Approval to Bill that would Force LePage to Issue Bonds
By Christopher Cousins, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. Paul LePage’s blockage of voter-approved bonds, which he has used several times during his tenure in attempts to force his will on the Legislature, received significant pushback Thursday when the Senate voted 26-9 and the House voted 102-48 for a bill Read More

6 Species that Could Disappear from Maine Within the Next Generation
By Seth Koenig Bangor Daily News column In 2011, the journal Science published a groundbreaking study that tracked the recent habitat shifts of nearly 1,400 animals, plants and insects, and the results were striking. Researchers found that the species were moving away from the equator and into higher elevations two to three times as fast Read More

New Poll Shows ‘Strong’ Support for National Park
By Nick Sambides Jr., BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story U.S. Sen. Susan Collins’ favorite pollster found in a survey of 500 respondents across the 2nd Congressional District last month that 67 percent favored a proposed 150,000-acre north woods national park and recreation area, officials said Tuesday. Commissioned by leading park proponent Lucas St. Read More

Crooked River Conservation Side-steps Augusta Battle
by Christopher Crosby, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story HARRISON — When Robert Carlson’s father-in-law was hospitalized in Portland nearly sixty years ago, he gave instructions for the young sawmill operator to watch over nearly 3,000 forested acres. A land owner and two trusts are close to signing a $1.37 million deal to set aside 800 Read More

LePage Violating State Responsibility with Public Reserved Lands Harvest Plan
By Catherine B. Johnson, Special to the BDN Bangor Daily News op-ed Gov. Paul LePage threatens to increase logging on Maine’s Public Reserved Lands beyond sustainable levels and divert the revenues to unrelated purposes. But his plans run contrary to the origins, unique characteristics and purpose of these Lands. Maine has about 600,000 acres of Read More

LePage Says He has Ordered Investigation of Land for Maine’s Future
By Christopher Cousins Bangor Daily News news story Gov. Paul LePage made news on several fronts during a nearly hour-long press conference Friday at the Blaine House, which by now you’ve probably read something about. One of the tidbits we know the least about was LePage’s statement that he has called for an investigation into Read More
Banner photo: Moose near Baxter State Park, by Gerard Monteux