Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to pass the Maine Trails Bond! The Bureau of Parks and Lands is expected to launch a grant process in the beginning of 2025 so stay tuned to their website for details.

Who Supports the Trails Bond?
More than 520 towns, organizations, businesses, & clubs support LD 1156, the Maine Trails Bond. Click on the + next to each type of group to see a full list of supporters.
Trails Funding Is Desperately Needed to Meet Demand
- Maine’s trails are experiencing record levels of use, and many are falling into disrepair because of extreme rain and other weather impacts.
- Communities across the state are developing plans for expanded trail networks but require funding to make them a reality.
- Improving accessibility of trails to people of all ages and abilities should be a top priority. As local groups seek to create more accessible trails, they will need funding to design and build them.
- Maine invests almost no funding in our trails even though they are a vital part of our outdoor recreation economy and a resource for walking, biking, snowmobiling, skiing, and everything in between. The $30 million Trails Bond will provide sorely needed funding to design, build, and maintain trails of all types statewide.

The Pond Trail and Meadow Loop are two ADA accessible trails at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, by Francesca DeSanctis
Trails Create Economic Opportunity
- Maine’s trails support a wide range of uses that contribute hundreds of millions of dollars annually in economic activity, especially in Maine’s rural communities.
- The Trails Bond will provide grants to community groups, trail clubs, and municipalities for trail projects that will help make Maine a national leader in high-quality trails.
- Trails bring Maine residents and visitors to all parts of the state, creating opportunities for small businesses that wouldn’t exist without trails being there.
Broad, Bipartisan, Statewide Support for Trails Funding
- Polling shows that 74% of Maine people would vote to support a Trails Bond.
- More than 520 businesses, towns, and organizations have signed a statement of support for the Trails Bond, including Maine’s largest outdoor businesses, rural towns, and ATV/snowmobile clubs.
- The Trails Bond proposal is sponsored by Republicans and Democrats from all parts of Maine, reflecting strong bipartisan support for improving our trails networks.
How the Trails Bond Will Work
- Provide $30 million over four years in competitive grant funding to towns, organizations, and clubs
- Support design, maintenance, or construction of trails, prioritizing accessibility and sustainable design standards
- 25% of funds distributed to motorized, 25% to non-motorized, and 50% to multi-use trails
- Funding can be used to leverage other sources of public or private funding
- Administered by the Bureau of Parks and Lands
Download a printable version of these Maine Trails Bond facts.

Banner photo: Traveling on path in Pondicherry Park, Bridgton, Maine, by SToomey/NRCM