Clean air is essential for healthy, happy lives. Clean, renewable energy helps ensure clean air. NRCM works for policies and initiatives that will improve Maine's air quality and reduce global warming pollution throughout the state and region.
NRCM’s climate and clean energy work is focused on where we can have the greatest impact: cleaner cars and trucks, clean and renewable energy production, and greater energy efficiency.
Our work in these key areas is critical to reducing health and environmental problems already plaguing our state. These include high asthma rates, more “bad air days,” rising sea levels due to climate change that threaten coastal communities, and threats to our fall foliage, skiing, and our vital tourism-based industry.
NRCM makes certain that Maine's elected officials and decision-makers are kept up to date about information related to climate change pollution, clean energy technologies, and steps Maine can take to ensure clean air.

New Bill Could Block Clean Energy Progress
This week, the Legislature will consider a fossil fuel pre-emption bill that would strip Maine’s communities of their ability to set policies that improve health, lower energy costs for residents, and tackle climate change with the urgency it requires. This bill would set back the progress we’ve made in creating new jobs from the state’s Read More

LD 43 and LD 622 Bills to Remove 100-megawatt Limit on Renewable Resources
Testimony in Opposition to LD 43, An Act to Reduce the Cost of Electricity by Removing the 100-megawatt Limit on Renewable Resources of Energy; and LD 622, An Act to Create Equal Opportunity Access to Clean Energy by Removing the 100-megawatt Limit on Clean Energy Sources Senator Lawrence, Representative Zeigler, and members of the Joint Read More

LD 524, Installation of EV Charging Stations in New Parking Lot Construction
Senator Lawrence, Representative Zeigler, and members of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, my name is Josh Caldwell. I am the Climate & Clean Energy Outreach Coordinator at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. NRCM has been working for more than 60 years to protect, restore, and conserve Maine’s environment, on behalf of Read More

Support of LD 519, A Resolve, to Conduct a Vehicle-to-grid Pilot Project Using Electric School Buses
Senator Lawrence, Representative Zeigler, and members of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, my name is Rebecca Schultz. I am a Senior Advocate for Climate and Clean Energy at the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). NRCM has been working for more than 60 years to protect, restore, and conserve Maine’s environment, on Read More

Essential Climate Action for Maine: 100% by 2040
Earlier this week, in her State of the Budget address Governor Mills called on Maine to set a new goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2040. With the impacts of climate change already threatening our communities and the high costs of oil and gas hitting Mainers’ pocketbooks, it’s clear Maine must transition quickly to Read More

LD 258, Related to State Budget Spending for 2023-2025
Testimony in Support of LD 258, An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations from the General Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, and June 30, Read More

LD 325, An Act to Improve Consideration of Electricity Rate Increases
Testimony in Support of LD 325, An Act To Require Transparency in Transmission and Distribution Utility Advertising Expenditures (Note: bill name was changed) Senator Lawrence, Representative Zeigler, and members of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, my name is Rebecca Schultz. I am a Senior Advocate for Climate and Clean Energy at the Read More

LD 340, An Act Regarding the Purpose and Responsibilities of the State Regulatory System for Public Utilities
Testimony in Opposition to LD 340, An Act Regarding the Purpose and Responsibilities of the State Regulatory System for Public Utilities Senator Lawrence, Representative Zeigler, and members of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, my name is Jack Shapiro. I am the Climate & Clean Energy Director at the Natural Resources Council of Read More

LD 376, An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program
Testimony in Opposition to LD 376, An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program Senator Lawrence, Representative Zeigler, and members of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, my name is Jack Shapiro. I am the Climate and Clean Energy Director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Read More