Clean air is essential for healthy, happy lives. Clean, renewable energy helps ensure clean air. NRCM works for policies and initiatives that will improve Maine's air quality and reduce global warming pollution throughout the state and region.
NRCM’s climate and clean energy work is focused on where we can have the greatest impact: cleaner cars and trucks, clean and renewable energy production, and greater energy efficiency.
Our work in these key areas is critical to reducing health and environmental problems already plaguing our state. These include high asthma rates, more “bad air days,” rising sea levels due to climate change that threaten coastal communities, and threats to our fall foliage, skiing, and our vital tourism-based industry.
NRCM makes certain that Maine's elected officials and decision-makers are kept up to date about information related to climate change pollution, clean energy technologies, and steps Maine can take to ensure clean air.

President’s Climate Plan: Good for National Security and Lobsters?
Mary Kuhlman, Public News Service Public News Service news story PORTLAND, Maine – Extreme weather events, including heavy rains and flooding, are just the tip of the iceberg for potential effects of climate change in Maine, experts say. One climate-related concern is national security, according to military leaders, scientists and environmentalists. Judy Berk, Natural Resources Read More

Project Puffin Celebrates 40 Years, Addresses New Dangers
By Aislinn Sarnacki, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story EASTERN EGG ROCK— Wings beating rapidly, an Atlantic puffin flew by, fish spilling from the sides of its orange bill. “He’s circling,” said Dr. Steve Kress, following the puffin with binoculars. “I think he has hake, maybe herring.” The puffin returned, flying low over the Read More

Learning about Lobsters
I get to do some pretty cool things thanks to my job at the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I met Bonnie Raitt at a concert on the eve of the removal of the Edwards Dam. NRCM was invited to work at a Phish concert (how cool is that?!) in Augusta. I met Senator George Read More

Scientists: Maine Lobster Industry Threatened by Climate Change
by Susan Sharon MPBN news story It’s that time of year when native Mainers and summer tourists alike don plastic bibs and get crackin’ on succulent Maine lobsters. Last year lobstermen landed about $340 million worth of these coveted crustaceans, generating $1 billion worth of economic activity to the state’s economy. But there’s a largely Read More

Climate Change Threat to Lobsters Spells Big Trouble for Maine
Lobstering, tourism, conservation interests launch campaign to protect iconic Maine species from carbon pollution threat NRCM and NWF news release Portland, ME — At the Maine Lobster Company, just days before the Fourth of July holiday, a diverse group representing Maine’s lobstering, tourism, conservation, and education interests gathered to launch an awareness campaign about the Read More

Otisfield Passes Resolution Opposing Sending Tar Sands Oil Through Town and Region
NRCM news release Otisfield, ME — Otisfield residents voted overwhelmingly at town meeting Saturday to pass a municipal resolution stating opposition to sending tar sands oil through ExxonMobil’s Portland-Montreal Pipeline, making it the seventh Maine town to publically and officially oppose the proposal. The 63-year-old pipeline, which stretches 236 miles from Montreal to South Portland, Read More

NRCM Statement on Override of Governor’s Veto of Omnibus Energy Bill
Statement by Dylan Voorhees, NRCM Clean Energy Project Director “This override vote is great news for Maine people and our environment. Most importantly, the bill will cut energy costs significantly for homeowners and businesses, which will be good for Maine’s economy, energy security and pocketbooks. “NRCM has worked hard to pass this bill because it Read More

NRCM’s Response to President Obama’s Climate Action Plan
NRCM press release Yesterday, President Obama announced a major climate change action plan that will help Maine and all Americans tackle the gravest environmental threat of our time, plus spur economic opportunities, and protect our health. We are pleased that the President has listened to the American people and shown his leadership and determination to Read More

Maine Leaders Hold News Conference In Support of President Obama’s New Carbon Pollution Standard
Press Release Today, a group of Maine leaders held a news conference at Portland City Hall to explain their support for the federal clean air and climate change safeguards announced yesterday by President Obama. Yesterday Obama unveiled a significant new plan that would help America do its part to tackle climate change, spur economic opportunities, Read More