Clean air is essential for healthy, happy lives. Clean, renewable energy helps ensure clean air. NRCM works for policies and initiatives that will improve Maine's air quality and reduce global warming pollution throughout the state and region.
NRCM’s climate and clean energy work is focused on where we can have the greatest impact: cleaner cars and trucks, clean and renewable energy production, and greater energy efficiency.
Our work in these key areas is critical to reducing health and environmental problems already plaguing our state. These include high asthma rates, more “bad air days,” rising sea levels due to climate change that threaten coastal communities, and threats to our fall foliage, skiing, and our vital tourism-based industry.
NRCM makes certain that Maine's elected officials and decision-makers are kept up to date about information related to climate change pollution, clean energy technologies, and steps Maine can take to ensure clean air.

Wind Power Foes: Don’t Ruin Maine’s Beauty to Feed “Green Energy” Demands
Although wind energy is supported by many environmentalists, those who oppose development in the Moosehead region feel the reality of wind power would mean no real reduction in Maine By Darren Fishell, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story PORTLAND, Maine — Wind power opponents near Moosehead Lake are worried that Massachusetts interests are going Read More

Opposition to LD 771, An Act to Protect Political Speech and Prevent Climate Change Policy Profiling
Senator Lisa Keim, Chair Representative Matthew Moonen, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Climate & Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM strongly opposes this legislation for one overall reason. Although the bill Read More

Support of LD 1062, An Act to Expand the Availability of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Maine
Senator David Woodsome, Chair Representative Mark Dion, Chair Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM strongly supports efforts to expand the use of electric Read More

Fixing Maine’s Solar Policy
by Peter Simmons of Brunswick Times Record op-ed The ongoing dispute between Governor LePage and solar advocates over energy policy deserves serious consideration and demands swift resolution. Although the Governor believes that solar power raises the cost of electricity and incentives only benefit the wealthy, a wisely designed solar policy will lower costs, result in Read More

President Trump Issues Executive Order Denying Climate Science
Statement by NRCM Executive Director Lisa Pohlmann “President Trump’s Executive Order today rolls back years of climate progress and takes us completely in the wrong direction. His denial of climate science is unconscionable. Today he has put his climate denial into action by attacking the safeguards that protect the health of America’s families. “In the Read More

Solar Sheds Provide Solution for Getting the Most Out of Your Solar Panels
The Pittsfield-Unity partnership provides a more cost-effective option that will get customers a better return, according to the managers. by Madeleine St. Amour, staff writer Central Maine newspapers news story UNITY — Matt Wagner decided one day to stop by an Amish-run business that builds mostly sheds and some tiny homes. Wagner, who lives in Read More

Support of LD 901, An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Determination of a Wind Energy Development’s Effect on the Scenic Character of Maine’s Special Places
Good afternoon Senator Saviello, Representative Tucker, and members of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. My name is Eliza Donoghue and I am the Forests and Wildlife Policy Advocate for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am here today on behalf of NRCM’s 20,000 members and supporters in support of LD 901, “An Act Read More

Solar Advocates Petition PUC to Reconsider Net Metering Decision
The filing is regarded as a likely precursor to a potential court challenge of the Maine Public Utilities Commission that changed the financial incentives for solar energy customers. by Kevin Miller, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA – A coalition of organizations and businesses are petitioning the Maine Public Utilities Commission to reconsider Read More

Mainers Formally Petition PUC for Reconsideration of New Solar Net Metering Rule
More than 2,000 Maine residents join request News release AUGUSTA, MAINE—Deeply troubled by the solar rule adopted by the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) last month, large and small businesses, solar companies, workers, conservation and public health groups, and Mainers who want to install solar filed a formal “petition for reconsideration” today. They were joined Read More