Clean air is essential for healthy, happy lives. Clean, renewable energy helps ensure clean air. NRCM works for policies and initiatives that will improve Maine's air quality and reduce global warming pollution throughout the state and region.
NRCM’s climate and clean energy work is focused on where we can have the greatest impact: cleaner cars and trucks, clean and renewable energy production, and greater energy efficiency.
Our work in these key areas is critical to reducing health and environmental problems already plaguing our state. These include high asthma rates, more “bad air days,” rising sea levels due to climate change that threaten coastal communities, and threats to our fall foliage, skiing, and our vital tourism-based industry.
NRCM makes certain that Maine's elected officials and decision-makers are kept up to date about information related to climate change pollution, clean energy technologies, and steps Maine can take to ensure clean air.

Opposition to LD 1699, An Act to Revise the Renewable Portfolio Standard Laws To Allow Certain Hydropower Facilities To Qualify as New Renewable Capacity Resources
Senator David Woodsome, Representative Seth Berry, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology, My name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM strongly opposes this legislation because it weakens Read More

Bill Adams, One of Maine’s Environmental Pioneers, Dies at 89
By Steve Collins, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story AUBURN — Sometimes one person in the right place makes all the difference. Back in 1973, a New York-based firm called the Pittston Co. sought to construct an oil refinery astride Passamaquoddy Bay in Eastport. The refinery would take in 250,000 barrels daily from tankers that Read More

Increased Offshore Drilling is Not the Answer to America’s Energy Future
Bangor Daily News editorial The recent announcement from the Trump administration that it wants to open nearly all U.S. oceans to oil and gas drilling is certainly concerning. But there is not reason to panic, yet. The announcement, from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is no surprise as the Trump administration is focused on undoing every Read More

LePage Rightly Opposes Biomass Subsidy Bond
Maine should be looking to the future for forest products, not clinging to the past. The Editorial Board Portland Press Herald editorial Maine lawmakers faced a crisis in 2016: Subsidize the biomass industry or see hundreds of jobs vanish. It wasn’t much of a choice, following the shutdown of paper mills in Madison and Bucksport, Read More

Support of LD 1686, An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Distributed Energy Generation and to Eliminate Gross Metering
Senator David Woodsome, Representative Seth Berry, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology, my name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. Given the history of the policies in this bill, Read More

Support of LD 1657, An Act to Update the Allowance Budget for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Senator Saviello, Representative Tucker, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, my name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing me to present this testimony in support of this legislation. While this bill itself is not—in Read More

Opposition to LD 953, An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support the Biomass Industry
Good morning Senator Hamper, Representative Gattine and members of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. My name is Nick Bennett, and I am the Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am testifying in opposition to LD 953. NRCM supports the use of woody biomass for energy. Wood is a renewable, Read More

Neither for Nor Against LD 897, An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support the Biomass Industry
Good morning Senator Hamper, Representative Gattine, and members of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. My name is Nick Bennett and I am the Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Council of Maine. I am testifying neither for nor against LD 897. NRCM supports providing funding for combined heat and power (CHP) for saw Read More

Opposition to LD 1632, An Act to Establish the Manufacturing Jobs Energy Program
Senator Woodsome, Representative Berry, and members of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities & Technology, my name is Dylan Voorhees and I am the Clean Energy Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM). Thank you for allowing us to present this testimony. NRCM supports the development of policies that increase availability of Read More