Clean air is essential for healthy, happy lives. Clean, renewable energy helps ensure clean air. NRCM works for policies and initiatives that will improve Maine's air quality and reduce global warming pollution throughout the state and region.
NRCM’s climate and clean energy work is focused on where we can have the greatest impact: cleaner cars and trucks, clean and renewable energy production, and greater energy efficiency.
Our work in these key areas is critical to reducing health and environmental problems already plaguing our state. These include high asthma rates, more “bad air days,” rising sea levels due to climate change that threaten coastal communities, and threats to our fall foliage, skiing, and our vital tourism-based industry.
NRCM makes certain that Maine's elected officials and decision-makers are kept up to date about information related to climate change pollution, clean energy technologies, and steps Maine can take to ensure clean air.

Tank Farm Emissions Unseen Neighborhood Hazard
My quiet, tree-lined neighborhood in South Portland is called Pleasantdale. But the toxic stench from nearby petroleum tank farms frequently makes our neighborhood decidedly unpleasant. I can step out my door on a beautiful day – be it spring, summer, fall, or winter – and instead of fresh air, get a lungful of what smells Read More

Regional Transportation Funding Initiative Will Help Mainers Lead Healthier Lives
Maine’s recently released Climate Action Plan, Maine Won’t Wait, is an exciting step forward in the state’s efforts to strengthen our economy by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 and at least 80% by 2050. One of the most important parts of the Climate Action Plan focuses on solutions for reducing pollution from cars Read More

The Climate Aspect of Plastics (and Other Nasty Tidbits of the Cycle)
Plastics! The 1970’s movie, “The Graduate,” talked about the business prospect and the future of plastics. Did anyone at that point in time have any idea how much our use of plastics would grow? Plastics have contributed to the convenience of our lives while also adding to a major pollution problem. Walk through a grocery Read More

Maine Climate Action Plan Will Curb Pollution and Hasten Economic Recovery
NRCM news release Augusta, ME (December 1, 2020) — Maine Governor Janet Mills today announced the release of a new statewide Climate Action Plan detailing a series of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 45% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. The new Plan is the result of more than a year Read More

A Plan to Energize Climate Action in Maine
To reduce the most severe health, environmental, and economic impacts of climate change, the world must reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible. That’s the position of the overwhelming majority of scientists, health professionals, and economists across the world, including at the University of Maine. Fortunately for Maine, Governor Mills and a bipartisan majority Read More

Maine to Tap into World Class Offshore Wind Resource with Nation’s First Floating Turbines
News release from Natural Resources Council of Maine and the National Wildlife Federation November 20, 2020 (Washington, D.C.) — Maine’s newly announced plan to build the nation’s first floating offshore wind turbine research array underscores the state’s climate leadership and underscores the growing momentum for this critical clean energy solution at a time when wildlife Read More

Maine Takes Its Next Step on the Climate Crisis
On December 1st, Governor Mills is expected to release a new Climate Action Plan that has been under development by the Maine Climate Council for more than a year. This new plan arrives as President-elect Biden is reported to be considering a quick focus on tackling climate change by signing numerous executive orders on the Read More

Groups File for Injunction to Halt CMP’s Premature Plans to Begin Corridor Work
News release from Natural Resources Council of Maine, Appalachian Mountain Club, and Sierra Club Maine November 12, 2020 (Augusta, ME) — Three conservation groups have asked a federal judge to halt Central Maine Power’s (CMP) premature plans to begin construction on its controversial transmission line. The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Natural Resources Council of Maine Read More

Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Army Corps for Indefensible CMP Corridor Analysis
News release from Natural Resources Council of Maine, Appalachian Mountain Club, and Sierra Club Maine Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), and Sierra Club Maine are challenging the Army Corps for failure to rigorously assess impacts of the controversial transmission corridor on Western Maine. The Corps’ inadequate assessment was completed Read More