photo by John M.
"I love the fact that much of Maine is still forest (for now). I love also that so many creative, wonderful people who have made huge, positive impacts on society either came from Maine or got their start here. Life here, for a lot of people, is difficult. But out of this rough and beautiful state emerge innovators, inventors, artists and hard workers. The people of Maine are survivors." - John M., South Portland, ME
"I know my legislator and senator by their first names, and they know who I am. I can also talk to the governor by phone on occasional radio programs." - Walter B., Parsonsfield, ME
"I love the beauty of the state from the mountains to the ocean, the tranquility of the rivers and streams, the smell of the pine in the woods, the pace at which most "Mainers" live their lives...but more importantly, I love the peacefulness that comes over me when I am there. We were in Maine over Christmas and we have a picture of me on the AT at Monson. My husband has commented several times at how happy and relaxed I look in that picture....and I was."
- Marlene C., Grand Ledge, MI

photo courtesy of John and Wanda
"We love Maine for its beautiful land & the freedom to enjoy our outdoors 'The Way Life Should Be'!" - John and Wanda, ME
"I love that Maine's beauty and power have inspired a tradition of great poets, writers, and artists from Edna St. Vincent Millay and E.A. Robinson to Marsden Hartley and Winslow Homer." - Annie F., Portland, ME
"What I love about Maine is that the people and elected officials are THINKING ABOUT THE PLANET and showing they care by how they manage their STATE. Thinking universally, acting locally! IT SHOWS! I live in Virginia where bill boards are everywhere, the Chesapeake Bay is dying, and county governments are washing their cars and equipment in chemicals so toxic it removes green paint (green only). Our male bass have developed eggs in their testes (Potomac & Shenandoah Rivers) from hormones in water (agriculture and human use). Nobody seems to care about it except to say how awful it is. It is sad. I'm going to migrate to Maine. Please don't tell everyone how wonderful it is, they will want to move there! MAINE IS A SECRET!!!!!!" - Sandra P., VA
"When you go to Maine there is something about that wants to make you come back. The smells of Maine are there all the time. Timber that stand before it becomes boards. The ocean when there is something getting ready to happen. That sighting that comes out of nowhere of a deer, a fox, an eagle, and many more, but the prize moose viewed by the lucky ones - I have seen many - are unsurpassed. So many things, I could write forever." - Ray G., Kennebunk, ME
"I have been hunting the pristine Allagash Wilderness Waterway for 32 years. I live in a small town called Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania. It's Native American name means 'narrow valley.' I have never met a person in Maine that I did not like; everyone was always pleasant and helpful. Keep up the good work... I envy the wilderness that is still in the state of Maine. If no one can realize that, try going to another state and see all the red tape you have to go through just to get a license." -Bill B., Nesquehoning, PA

Katahdin, Baxter State Park as seen from Rt 95, looking east, late September 2004. - photo by Peter S., Brunswick
"What I love about Maine: In addition to the beautiful woodlands and ocean, I love the MAINERS! I love that most people here remember what it is to reuse and recycle, not just in a blue bin, but to make use of the old things. Reusing plastic bags and foil, reusing Cool Whip containers and scraps of yarn, exchanging old clothes with friends, passing down last year's snowsuit to the next kid in the family or a neighbor, recycling soda cans, fixing up the old car. Many of us grew up this way but more and more people are no longer proud to save and reuse. They would rather re-purchase and overspend.
"I lived away from Maine for quite awhile in the southwest and was shocked at the roadside litter and the throw-away attitude people displayed. My husband and I were anxious to return to the true "Yankee" way of life and we are so glad it is still alive and well in Maine! "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" is a good way we simple folks can keep our state clean and healthy--the "Way Life Should Be'. Thanks for all you at NRCM do on the bigger scale for us. We do appreciate your efforts on our behalf!" - Lyn R., Fairfield, ME
"I love the priceless Native American heritage, and the value of learning from them about the care of all aspects of the natural environment. I love the awareness of one's neighbors shown by smiles and hand waves as we pass each other in vehicles, or walking. I love the winters and the opportunities to help one another in challenging weather conditions. Ssomething else I love about Maine is that I am even more busy than I have ever been in my whole life before, and why? Because there are so many ways to help others, through building and living independently and successfully off the grid and educating others about it, working as a volunteer chaplain in the prison system, helping with teens in trouble, working hard on the Land Association and the Conservation Committee in our community, and much more." " - Judith S., PhD., Town of Washington, Knox County, ME
"In my opinion, this is a lot to get in exchange for a little more in taxes..." - Jodie L., Portland, ME

photo by Darryn D.
"Maine has a little of everything. Not many other states can say that and perhaps none east of the Mississippi. It may not have the tallest mountains or canyons of the American West, but where else can you go from beautiful beaches to the heart of picturesque mountains in under two hours?" - Darryn D., Lewiston, ME
"I love all the things you mention. Also the Great North Woods (especially the Allagash), the state's rural character and low population density, Baxter and Acadia, and, last but not least, NRCM, and all it does to protect all the others!!" - Lee P., Mount Desert, ME

photo by Judy L. of Eliot
"What I love about Maine: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Moosehead, Acadia, our lead in the smoking ban in public places, our beautiful coastline, the diversity of cultures and opinions, the wonderful pine trees, the fact that even though our people may leave for a time, they always come home again. Home to Maine where family is." - Judy L., Eliot, ME
My passion is fly fishing. Maine has so many great places to do that. Some of my favorite spots are in the Moose head Lake area. The East Outlet, the remote ponds, the Roach River. It is extremely important to me for the natural beauty of Maine to remain the way it is." - David M., ME
"1. We believe that all land is 'in use;'
2. Maine suffers eccentrics well; and
3. No one ever says, 'Well, you can't fight city hall.'"
- Will P., Windham, ME

This picture is from Grand Lake Stream last October. I hope we all will protect our natural resources. - Bill M
"I love Maine because on this Valentine's Day, we had a beautiful blizzard envelop our home and town. Right now, the day after, I am still 'snowbound'. I have always remembered from childhood, reading John Greenleaf Whittier's poem, 'Snowbound,' and have always wanted to be snowbound literally. Now I am happy." - Don N., Farmington, ME
"Thanks for all your good efforts to keep Maine beautiful and a healthy place to live. I live in Whitefield and here can enjoy the beautiful nature all around. I am trying to spread the news that your work is most helpful and encourage people to have their voice heard in the Legislature. Your Happy Valentine wishes were received with gratitude!" - Juanita R., Whitefield
"Loon Echo Jackman, ME - we camp there every Labor Day. We paddle your remote and mighty rivers. We gaze at the brilliant stars on Parlin Lake, watch the osprey and eagles,and listen to the loon! l Iove the 360 views of green trees, BLUE skies and dirt roads (Golden Road!). I live in the land of many buildings - roads - people. Keep Maine the way it is!" - Catherine K., ME
"Soon after we built our camp near Tomhegan Stream cove, our contractor ran his machine over our water line which was near the surface for warm weather use only. My husband went out to dig it up and put a splint in. I looked out the door as he was working, and there was a large moose, trying to see what he was doing! I couldn't call to him so I just ducked inside and laughed and laughed." - Helen R., York
"I love the Belgrade Lakes area... listening to the loons on a warm summer night....floating on my back in the lake, looking up at the leaves of the trees on the bank....hearing the ice ping and groan with its eerie wintertime noises......" - Colleen G.
"We are lucky enough to have a small summer cottage in Maine on Webber Pond in Bremen, built by my aunt and uncle who also savored their time in Maine even when they weren't in the state. (Sadly both are now gone.) But they left me a treasured legacy. Whenever I want to take a 5-minute vacation I picture myself on the deck looking out at the pond listening to the gentle rustling of the leaves and pines and waiting for the intermittent cry of the loons..." - Sharon L., NJ
"Why I love Maine....Maine is a place where people are not jammed in elbow to elbow....and the folks we have are friendly, caring and enjoying the simple things in life. Scenery, clean air, wildlife! A place it will take your life time to explore! From a rock bound coast on the Atlantic to rolling farm fields, roaring rivers, serene lakes and thousands of acres of woods, come explore Maine. 4th lowest crime in the country, a work ethic second to none from the farm based attitude of respect, discipline and appreciation for the great outdoors and our creator. There is no better place to live, work and play. Families raised here are strong, dependable, happy ..the way life was meant to be. Come sample Maine...bring your things..you won't want to leave. - Andrew M., Houlton, ME