By John Holyoke, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story In the nine months since the official designation of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, Lucas St. Clair said the emotional climate in that part of the state has changed quite a bit. St. Clair, who oversaw the monument formation effort on behalf of his Read More
Maine Environmental News
Maine environmental news often comes quickly and with little warning. Stay up to date on Maine environment news.
From issues such as climate change, healthy waters, Maine forests and wildlife, and sustainability—and environmental policy that could impact them—you’ll find NRCM’s up-to-the-minute news releases to see our perspective on the most pressing issues facing Maine’s land, air, waters, and wildlife. This includes findings relating to our role as Maine’s watchdog of activities of state environmental agencies—we stand ready to blow the whistle when regulations are not enforced.
You can also find our news “round up,” News & Noteworthy, which puts the spotlight on media stories that do a particularly good job capturing current news about Maine's environment. We hope you find this part of our website helpful and informative!
President Trump Isn’t Putting Maine First on Climate Change
The state is already feeling the effects of global warming, and they are just going to get worse if the U.S. isn’t part of the effort to address it. Portland Press Herald editorial Man’s use of fossil fuels is warming the planet, and the warming is happening faster in the Gulf of Maine than in Read More
Rooftop Solar Bill Advances, but Republican Opposition Foreshadows Fight
The measure endorsed by the Legislature’s energy committee calls for a cost-benefit analysis of how utilities pay homeowners and small businesses for the electricity they generate. By Tux Turkel, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — A bill that would keep current financial incentives for rooftop solar in place pending a cost-benefit study Read More
‘Tragic Mistake’: Maine Leaders React to Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord
By A.J. Higgins, Susan Sharon & Mal Leary Maine Public news story The Trump administration’s decision Thursday to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement drew swift reaction from Maine environmental leaders — who denounced the action as a dangerous shift toward isolationism — and members of Maine’s congressional delegation, who were nearly unanimous in their Read More
Trump’s Climate Change Move Draws Sharp Reactions in Maine
by Steve Collins, Staff Writer Sun Journal news story Calling it “a devastating blow,” the head of the Natural Resources Council of Maine denounced President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of an international climate agreement Thursday. Lisa Pohlmann, the environmental group’s executive director, said the move “could jeopardize global efforts to avert the most Read More
Legislature’s Energy Committee Passes Two Solar Bills after House Republicans Abandon Their Own Amendment
One bill directs PUC to amend extreme net metering rule, the other boosts large solar for businesses, communities Statement of Dylan Voorhees, Clean Energy Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “Today, the Maine Legislature’s Energy and Utilities Committee passed two bills: one directs PUC to amend extreme net metering rule, the other boosts large solar Read More
Trump Decision to Pull U.S. Out of Global Climate Agreement Deals a Devastating Blow to Maine and the Planet
Statement of Lisa Pohlmann, Executive Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine “President Trump’s announcement that he will remove the United States from the historic and vital Global Climate Agreement is a devastating blow that could jeopardize global efforts to avert the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. “Pulling out of this agreement puts the U.S. Read More
From Trash to Table, RSU 19 is Seeking to Put Its Food Waste to Better Use
By Lauren Abbate, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story ETNA, Maine ― Mid-afternoon on a recent Thursday the students at the Etna-Dixmont School were outside frolicking through a field on the left side of the school. While a passerby might mistake the children’s high spirits for a typical recess session, they were actually participating Read More
Lawmakers Draft Letters to Interior Secretary Defending National Monuments
by Susan Sharon Maine Public news story Democratic U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree of Maine’s 1st District and 85 of her colleagues have sent a letter to the interior secretary warning him that only Congress has the “Constitutional authority to revoke or shrink a national monument.” Independent U.S. Sen. Angus King of Maine has also written Read More