The proposal would allow a foreign company to cut a wide swatch through the forest of northern Maine, with little benefit to the state. By Tom Saviello, Republican state senator from Wilton Central Maine Newspapers op-ed Imagine what the people of Maine would think if a European company decided to cut a path the width Read More
Maine Environmental News
Maine environmental news often comes quickly and with little warning. Stay up to date on Maine environment news.
From issues such as climate change, healthy waters, Maine forests and wildlife, and sustainability—and environmental policy that could impact them—you’ll find NRCM’s up-to-the-minute news releases to see our perspective on the most pressing issues facing Maine’s land, air, waters, and wildlife. This includes findings relating to our role as Maine’s watchdog of activities of state environmental agencies—we stand ready to blow the whistle when regulations are not enforced.
You can also find our news “round up,” News & Noteworthy, which puts the spotlight on media stories that do a particularly good job capturing current news about Maine's environment. We hope you find this part of our website helpful and informative!
Chaplain Grateful for Endangered Species Act
Pray that our congressional delegation recognizes and values the importance of this landmark law. By Macauley Lord, resident of Brunswick, an Episcopal chaplain and a fly-fishing guide Portland Press Herald op-ed BRUNSWICK — When a Republican president signed the Endangered Species Act into law in 1973, he probably could not have dreamed how effective it Read More
Legislators Battle with LePage Over CMP’s Proposed Transmission Line
by Andy O’Brien Free Press news story Gov. Paul LePage and Central Maine Power are battling it out with environmental groups, local power generators and a bipartisan group of legislators over a proposed $950 million electrical transmission line from Lewiston to Quebec. The 146-mile New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC), which is a joint effort Read More
Conservation Projects Have Let ‘Astounding’ Number of Alewives Return to Maine Rivers
By A.J. Higgins Maine Public news story Watch videos. Alewives, or river herring, are making their usual spawning migration to Maine in unusually high numbers this year, thanks in part to restoration efforts and the removal of dams on the Penobscot and Kennebec Rivers. Because they serve as a food source for several fish species Read More
Poll Shows Maine Voters Ready for Action to Address Climate and Support LMF and National Monument
Augusta, Maine – Today, the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) released the results of a public opinion survey on the attitudes of likely Maine voters on a range of environmental and energy issues. The survey was completed in April by the Portland-based research firm Critical Insights. The results are being sent to more than Read More
Baker Adviser Helped Energy Firms Land Big Mass. Contracts
By Joshua Miller and Jon Chesto Globe Staff Boston Globe news story The top political adviser to Governor Charlie Baker also provided strategic and communications advice as a paid consultant to two companies that recently landed massive clean energy contracts in Massachusetts. Jim Conroy, an experienced political strategist who managed Baker’s 2014 campaign and is Read More
The Return of Alewives to This Bangor-area Stream is an Epic Success Story
By John Holyoke, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story BRADLEY, Maine — The old saying about migrating fish holds that during the peak of a run, it’d be possible to walk from stream bank to stream bank on the backs of the fish, and never get your feet wet. While most of us don’t Read More
Farmington Rethinks Endorsement of Quebec to Massachusetts Power Line
In a letter, Gov. Paul LePage said four lawmakers who wrote to Massachusetts expressing their opposition to the New England Clean Energy Connect project “may now have to deal with reprimands.” by Rachel Ohm, Staff Writer Central Maine newspaper news story FARMINGTON — Town officials are rethinking their endorsement of the New England Clean Energy Read More
Climate Change to Have Drastic Effects on Gulf of Maine Lobster and Clam Fisheries, Studies Say
New work by academic researchers details how warming waters will drive some of the state’s key commercial species north and expose others to predators. By Kevin Miller, Staff Writer Portland Press Herald news story AUGUSTA — Two new scientific studies are highlighting the current and future impacts that rising ocean temperatures will have on lobster, Read More