Kennebec Journal editorial As lifelong conservationist Bill Townsend of Canaan put it, if the Natural Resources Council of Maine did not exist, the state of Maine would look very different. Townsend was one of the original members of the organization, which celebrated its 50th anniversary this week. He and other pioneers in the environmental organization Read More
Maine Environmental News
Maine environmental news often comes quickly and with little warning. Stay up to date on Maine environment news.
From issues such as climate change, healthy waters, Maine forests and wildlife, and sustainability—and environmental policy that could impact them—you’ll find NRCM’s up-to-the-minute news releases to see our perspective on the most pressing issues facing Maine’s land, air, waters, and wildlife. This includes findings relating to our role as Maine’s watchdog of activities of state environmental agencies—we stand ready to blow the whistle when regulations are not enforced.
You can also find our news “round up,” News & Noteworthy, which puts the spotlight on media stories that do a particularly good job capturing current news about Maine's environment. We hope you find this part of our website helpful and informative!
NRCM Celebrates 50 Years of Service
Major state issues influenced by group by Kevin Miller Bangor Daily News news story AUGUSTA, Maine — Nearly 50 years ago, a small group of individuals gathered for the inaugural annual meeting of a fledgling environmental organization. The hot topics that day: the Allagash, pesticides and pollution. Fast forward about a half-century and it’s likely Read More
Fifty Years of Speaking for Maine
Sun Journal editorial If there is such a thing as an “establishment” environmental advocate, the Natural Resources Council of Maine would qualify. This description is not meant to insinuate anything negative; rather, it aims to portray the organization’s stability, strong influence and broad mission. Over the past 50 years, the NRCM has developed into as Read More
Ten Years After Dam Removal Kennebec River Fish are Jumping Back
by Susan Sharon Maine Public Radio news story For centuries, dams that harnessed water power fueled factories around the Northeast. But the walled barriers prevented migrating fish from reaching their native spawning grounds. Water quality and entire ecosystems changed. Think about a dam on a river you know. Imagine what would happen if that structure Read More
NRCM Turns 50
Bangor Daily News editorial In 1959, the environment was a vague concept to most and protecting it was not a priority. That was the year the Natural Resources Council of Maine was formed to protect the places and values that, in many ways, have come to define Maine. The group, which celebrates its 50th anniversary Read More
Green Greatness: Group to Mark 50 Years of Protecting Environment
by John Richardson, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story Maine has passed some of the country’s most aggressive environmental laws, from a ban on billboards in 1969 to a light bulb-recycling program signed by Gov. John Baldacci on Monday. For the past 50 years, the Natural Resources Council of Maine has been at the Read More
Maine Governor Signs First-in-the-nation Law to Require Manufacturers to Recycle Mercury-containing Light Bulbs
New law protects families and the environment; Saves taxpayer money News release AUGUSTA – Today, Governor Baldacci signed a new first-in-the-nation law to help reduce mercury pollution by requiring compact fluorescent light bulb manufacturers to share the costs and responsibility for recycling their mercury-containing bulbs. Similar bills are now pending in MA, VT, and CA. Read More
Groups Call For Action to Open St. Croix River to Alewives
50 U.S. and Canadian Groups Petition International Body News Release McAdam, New Brunswick, Canada—Fifty organizations from the United States and Canada have called upon the International Joint Commission (IJC) to require that the St. Croix River be opened up for passage of alewives (river herring). The lead groups in this effort are the Atlantic Salmon Read More
Endangered Species Protections Extended to Atlantic Salmon on Three Major Maine Rivers
by Anne Ravana Maine Public Radio news story The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Fisheries Service today extended endangered species protections to Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot, Kennebec, and Androscoggin rivers and their watersheds. The news has not been well received by some Maine officials. The state’s Department of Read More