State Senator Jim Boyle Proposes Legislation to Cut Energy Bills through Energy Efficiency NRCM Statement “It is refreshing to see that Governor LePage now supports energy efficiency improvements as a key way to lower residential heating costs. Energy efficiency is our most cost-effective energy resource, and one we can control right here in Maine. Weatherization Read More
Maine Environmental News
Maine environmental news often comes quickly and with little warning. Stay up to date on Maine environment news.
From issues such as climate change, healthy waters, Maine forests and wildlife, and sustainability—and environmental policy that could impact them—you’ll find NRCM’s up-to-the-minute news releases to see our perspective on the most pressing issues facing Maine’s land, air, waters, and wildlife. This includes findings relating to our role as Maine’s watchdog of activities of state environmental agencies—we stand ready to blow the whistle when regulations are not enforced.
You can also find our news “round up,” News & Noteworthy, which puts the spotlight on media stories that do a particularly good job capturing current news about Maine's environment. We hope you find this part of our website helpful and informative!
Maine Strong on Mercury Thermostat Recycling
New Maine Times news story A new report released this week shows that Maine’s program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the environment, out-performing almost every other state in the nation. In most other states, weaker laws have spelled failure for the thermostat-recycling program, says the Read More
Raymond Passes Tar Sands Resolution
By John Balentine news story RAYMOND — Raymond Board of Selectmen on Tuesday night unanimously passed a resolution urging state and federal officials “to ensure the highest level of safety for the citizens of Raymond and the state of Maine” if a project to transport Canadian oil sands through a Maine pipeline moves forward. Read More
New Report Reveals Success of Product Stewardship in Maine
Payments for Recycled Thermostats Make Maine a Leading State Program NRCM Press Release A new report released today by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, Multi-state Mercury Products Campaign (MMPC), and Product Stewardship Institute, shows that Maine’s manufacturer-run program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the Read More
Alewives on the St. Croix: A “Mistake” Fixed
Five years later, the policy of blocking alewives was looking increasingly anachronistic. by Douglas Rooks Working Waterfront news story AUGUSTA — By May 1, alewives could have a clear path up the St. Croix River drainage for the first time in 18 years. After a contentious hearing March 25 which lasted almost four hours, the Read More
Coalition Petitions Feds to Develop Tar Sands Pipeline Safety Standards
Asks USEPA and DOT to Protect Communities from Tar Sands Spills News Release Montpelier, VT; Augusta, ME — Today, citing inadequate current rules, a coalition of hunter-angler, conservation groups, former government officials, and landowners at risk of tar sands spills filed a petition with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Read More
Fight for Maine Fisheries Comes to Augusta
Lobstermen, fishermen, tribes, guides, scientists, urge legislators to listen to science, and let native fish return to St. Croix River NRCM news release Augusta, Maine — Today, lobstermen, tribal representatives, Maine guides, fishermen, and scientists converged on the State House to urge passage of a bill that would finally allow St. Croix alewives to return Read More
Let Those Alewives Go
Bangor Daily News editorial The state committee charged with recommending whether to let alewives back into the upper reaches of the St. Croix River should base its decision on science, not anecdotes or politics, and approve a bill to allow the river herring unfettered access to spawning ground. Standing before the Committee on Marine Resources Read More
Portland-area Residents: No Tar Sands Pipeline
by Tux Turkel, staff writer Portland Press Herald news story SOUTH PORTLAND — Residents from around the Portland area sent a clear message at a workshop held by the city Monday evening to learn more about transporting the heavy crude known as tar-sands oil: They respect the fine record of Portland Pipe Line Corp. but Read More