“I’ve been quietly and unobtrusively observing this Spotted Sandpiper for a couple of weeks. Yesterday I discovered that this bird is the parent of three chicks, though I didn’t stay long to see if there were others.” – Photos taken in Old Town along the Penobscot River by NRCM member Dave Small of Old Town, Maine
NRCM Note: This bird is likely a male; unlike in most birds, it is the male Spotted Sandpipers, not the females, that sit on the nest and care for the newly hatched young. This article by NRCM’s Allison Wells and her husband Jeff talks about this fascinating twist www.boothbayregister.com/article/stuff-legends/19733
Do you have beautiful photos of Maine’s wildlife or scenic landscapes to share? If so, please send them to us at nrcm@nrcm.org. To learn more about how to submit your photos, visit www.nrcm.org/our-maine/my-maine-this-week/share-photos/.

Spotted Sandpiper chick near the Penobscot River in Old Town, Maine

Spotted Sandpiper in Old Town, Maine